/  Yamcs Studio User Guide  /  Scripts  /  Script API  /  ScriptUtil


The following methods are available.

openOPI( widget, path, target [, macros] )

Open an OPI specified by an absolute or relative workspace path.

Relative paths are resolved in relation to the display file of the provided widget object.

target can take the following values:

  • 0: New tab

  • 1: Replace current OPI.

  • 2: New window

  • 7: Detached view

  • 8: New shell

Custom macros can be provided to the new OPI. Use DataUtil.createMacrosInput(false)


Close the currently active OPI display.

closeAssociatedOPI( widget )

Close the OPI display that hosts the given widget.

executeSystemCommand( command, timeout )

Run a local system command.

The timeout argument indicates the maximum number of seconds that the command is allowed to execute.

This method returns immediately. Any stdout or stderr is sent to the Console view.

execInUI( runnable, widget )

Run some logic on the UI thread.

runnable must be a java.lang.Runnable implementation.

This is an advanced method. Use with caution.

executeEclipseCommand( commandId [, parameters] )

Execute an eclipse command by specifying its identifier, and optionally a String array with parameters.

This is an advanced method. Available command IDs are not documented, and need to be reverse engineered from source code.


ScriptUtil.openOPI(widget, "foo.opi", 0, null);
var macros = DataUtil.createMacrosInput(false);
macros.put("foo", "abc");
macros.put("bar", "def");
ScriptUtil.openOPI(widget, "foo.opi", 0, macros);