/  Yamcs Server Manual  /  Programs  /  yamcsadmin  /  yamcsadmin users

yamcsadmin users


yamcsadmin users add-role <USERNAME> --role <ROLE>
yamcsadmin users check-password <USERNAME>
yamcsadmin users create [--email <EMAIL>] [--display-name <NAME>] [--inactive] [--superuser] [--no-password] <USERNAME>
yamcsadmin users delete <USERNAME>
yamcsadmin users describe <USERNAME>
yamcsadmin users list
yamcsadmin users remove-identity <USERNAME> --identity <IDENTITY>
yamcsadmin users remove-role <USERNAME> --role <ROLE>
yamcsadmin users reset-password <USERNAME>
yamcsadmin users update [--active true | false] [--display-name <NAME>] [--email <EMAIL>] [--superuser true | false] <USERNAME>


User operations.


add-role <USERNAME> --role <ROLE>

Add a role to a user.

check-password <USERNAME>

Check a user's password. This command prompts to enter the user's current password. The command will print if the provided password is correct or not.

The command may be used in non-interactive mode by setting the password with the environment variable YAMCSADMIN_PASSWORD.

create [--email <EMAIL>] [--display-name <NAME>] [--inactive] [--superuser] [--no-password] <USERNAME>

Create a new Yamcs user. This prompts for a password.

The command may be used in non-interactive mode by setting the password with the environment variable YAMCSADMIN_PASSWORD, or using the option --no-password.

delete <USERNAME>

Delete a user.

describe <USERNAME>

Describe user details.


List users.

remove-identity <USERNAME> --identity <IDENTITY>

Remove an identity from a user.

remove-role <USERNAME> --role <ROLE>

Remove a role from a user.

reset-password <USERNAME>

Reset a user's password.

update [--active true | false] [--display-name <NAME>] [--email <EMAIL>] [--superuser true | false] <USERNAME>

Update user details. Prompts to enter and confirm a new user password.

The command may be used in non-interactive mode by setting the password with the environment variable YAMCSADMIN_PASSWORD.


--role <ROLE>

With add-role, specify the role to be added.

With remove-role, specify the role to be removed.

--display-name <NAME>

With create and update, specify the displayed name of the user.

--email <EMAIL>

With create and update, specify the user email.


With create, prevent Yamcs from activating the account.

--active true | false

With update, activate or inactivate the user account.


With create and update, grant this user superuser privileges.


With create, indicate that this user should not have a password. This will also bypass the password prompt.



Commands that prompt for a password, can alternatively be run in non-interactive mode by specifying this environment variable.