/  Yamcs HTTP API  /  Timeline  /  List Items

List ItemsΒΆ

List items

URI Template

GET /api/timeline/{instance}/items

Yamcs instance name

Query Parameters


Item source


Continuation token returned by a previous page response.


Use the band defined source and filter


If the band is not specified, these filters and the source above will be used


If true, send the items with full details If false, some details like the description will be omited from the listed items

Response Type

interface ListItemsResponse {

  //item source
  source: string;

  items: TimelineItem[];

  // Token indicating the response is only partial. More results can then
  // be obtained by performing the same request (including all original
  // query parameters) and setting the ``next`` parameter to this token.
  continuationToken: string;

Related Types

//an item matches the filter if it matches any of the criteria from the list.
//if the list is empty, the filter will not match
interface ItemFilter {
  criteria: FilterCriterion[];

// The filter criteria depends very much of the source which provides the item
// rdb source
//  supported key is "tag"
//   -> An item matches if the value proprty is among its tags
// commands source
//  supported key is "cmdNamePattern"
//  value is considered as a regexp and match against the cmdName from the cmdhist table
interface FilterCriterion {
  key: string;
  value: string;

interface TimelineItem {

  // Item identifier.
  // The identifier is set and recognized by the source.
  // It is possible but unlikely that two items coming from two different sources will have the same id.
  // The rdb source sets the id to a UUID.
  // The commands source sets the id to the command id
  id: string;

  // Item name
  name: string;
  type: TimelineItemType;
  start: string;  // RFC 3339 timestamp
  duration: string; // Duration in seconds. Example: "3s" or "3.001s"
  tags: string[];

  // If this item is part of a group, this is the group identifier
  groupId: string;

  //if this item time specification is relative to another item, relativeTime contains a reference
  // to that item as well as the relative start (the duration is the same as given by the duration above)
  //note that start of the item will be computed by the server based on the relativeTime before sending the item to the client
  relativeTime: RelativeTime;

  // Item description
  description: string;

  // Additional properties used by yamcs-web to render this item
  properties: {[key: string]: string};

  // For activities: execution status
  status: ExecutionStatus;

  // For activities: if the status is FAILED or ABORTED, this may indicate the reason
  // some information may also be available in the item log
  failureReason: string;

  // Activity definition associated to this item.
  // Set if ``type`` is ACTIVITY.
  activityDefinition: ActivityDefinitionInfo;

  // Identifiers of activity runs matching this item.
  // Set if ``type`` is ACTIVITY.
  runs: string[];

interface RelativeTime {

  // Identifier of the item that this time is relative to.
  relto: string;
  relativeStart: string; // Duration in seconds. Example: "3s" or "3.001s"

interface ActivityDefinitionInfo {

  // Activity type.
  type: string;

  // Activity arguments. The expected arguments
  // are different for each activity type
  args: {[key: string]: any};

  // Optional comment
  comment: string;

enum TimelineItemType {

  // Events are the most generic timeline item.

  // Unlike events, activities have an execution status

  // A grouping of other items (events and/or activities)

  // A grouping of activities. The group is itself an activity

enum ExecutionStatus {