Class PreparedCommand


public class PreparedCommand extends Object
Stores command information
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • PreparedCommand

      public PreparedCommand(Commanding.CommandId id)
    • PreparedCommand

      public PreparedCommand(byte[] binary)
      Used for testing the uplinkers
  • Method Details

    • getGenerationTime

      public long getGenerationTime()
    • setComment

      public void setComment(String comment)
    • getComment

      public String getComment()
    • setTcStream

      public void setTcStream(Stream tcStream)
      Specify the target TC stream. If unset, a stream is automatically selected.
    • getTcStream

      public Stream getTcStream()
    • getCmdName

      public String getCmdName()
    • getBooleanAttribute

      public Boolean getBooleanAttribute(String attrname)
    • getStringAttribute

      public String getStringAttribute(String attrname)
    • getBinaryAttribute

      public byte[] getBinaryAttribute(String attrname)
    • getId

      public String getId()
    • getLoggingId

      public String getLoggingId()
      String useful for logging. Contains command name and sequence number
    • getOrigin

      public String getOrigin()
    • getSequenceNumber

      public int getSequenceNumber()
    • getCommandName

      public String getCommandName()
    • getCommandId

      public Commanding.CommandId getCommandId()
    • getCommandId

      public static Commanding.CommandId getCommandId(Tuple t)
    • toTuple

      public Tuple toTuple()
    • getAssignments

      public List<Commanding.CommandAssignment> getAssignments()
    • getAttributes

      public List<Commanding.CommandHistoryAttribute> getAttributes()
    • getAttributesAsParameters

      public ParameterValueList getAttributesAsParameters(Mdb mdb)
    • fromTuple

      public static PreparedCommand fromTuple(Tuple t, Mdb mdb)
    • fromCommandHistoryEntry

      public static PreparedCommand fromCommandHistoryEntry(Commanding.CommandHistoryEntry che)
    • addStringAttribute

      public void addStringAttribute(String name, String value)
    • addAttribute

      public void addAttribute(Commanding.CommandHistoryAttribute cha)
    • getBinary

      public byte[] getBinary()
    • setBinary

      public void setBinary(byte[] b)
    • getUnprocessedBinary

      public byte[] getUnprocessedBinary()
    • setUnprocessedBinary

      public void setUnprocessedBinary(byte[] b)
    • isRaw

      public boolean isRaw()
    • setRaw

      public void setRaw(boolean raw)
    • getUsername

      public String getUsername()
    • setUsername

      public void setUsername(String username)
    • getMetaCommand

      public MetaCommand getMetaCommand()
    • setMetaCommand

      public void setMetaCommand(MetaCommand cmd)
    • setArgAssignment

      public void setArgAssignment(Map<Argument,ArgumentValue> argAssignment, Set<String> userAssignedArgumentNames)
    • getArgAssignment

      public ArgumentValue getArgAssignment(Argument arg)
    • getArgAssignment

      public Map<Argument,ArgumentValue> getArgAssignment()
    • disableTransmissionConstraints

      public void disableTransmissionConstraints(boolean b)
    • disableTransmissionConstraints

      public boolean disableTransmissionConstraints()
      true if the transmission constraints have to be disabled for this command
    • disableCommandVerifiers

      public boolean disableCommandVerifiers()
      true if the command verifiers have to be disabled for this command
    • disableCommandVerifiers

      public void disableCommandVerifiers(boolean b)
    • disablePostprocessing

      public boolean disablePostprocessing()
      true if no post-processing should occur on this command
    • disablePostprocessing

      public void disablePostprocessing(boolean b)
    • addVerifierConfig

      public void addVerifierConfig(String name, Commanding.VerifierConfig verifierConfig)
    • getVerifierOverride

      public Map<String,Commanding.VerifierConfig> getVerifierOverride()
      a list of command verifiers options overriding MDB settings.
    • getAttribute

      public Commanding.CommandHistoryAttribute getAttribute(String name)
    • setAttribute

      public void setAttribute(String name, Object value)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • isReservedColumn

      public static boolean isReservedColumn(String columnName)
    • isProtectedColumn

      public static boolean isProtectedColumn(String columnName)