Class AlarmServer<S,T>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
EventAlarmServer, ParameterAlarmServer

public abstract class AlarmServer<S,T> extends
Maintains a list of active alarms.

(S,T) can be one of: (Parameter,ParamerValue) or (EventId, Event)

This class implements functionality common for parameter alarms and event alarms.

Specific functionality for each alarm type (e.g. disabling alarms) should be implemented in the respective ParameterAlarmChecker or EventAlarmServer.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • addAlarmListener

      public Map<S,ActiveAlarm<T>> addAlarmListener(AlarmListener<T> listener)
      Register for alarm notices
      the current set of active alarms
    • removeAlarmListener

      public void removeAlarmListener(AlarmListener<T> listener)
    • getActiveAlarms

      public Map<S,ActiveAlarm<T>> getActiveAlarms()
      Returns the current set of active alarms
    • getActiveAlarm

      public ActiveAlarm<T> getActiveAlarm(S subject, int id) throws AlarmSequenceException
      Returns the active alarm for the specified subject if it also matches the specified id.
      subject - the subject to look for.
      id - the expected id of the active alarm.
      the active alarm, or null if no alarm was found
      AlarmSequenceException - when the specified id does not match the id of the active alarm
    • getActiveAlarm

      public ActiveAlarm<T> getActiveAlarm(S subject)
      Returns the active alarm for the specified subject.
      subject - the subject to look for.
      the active alarm, or null if no alarm was found
    • acknowledge

      public ActiveAlarm<T> acknowledge(ActiveAlarm<T> alarm, String username, long ackTime, String message)
      Acknowledges an active alarm instance. If the alarm state is no longer applicable, the alarm is also cleared, otherwise the alarm will remain active.
      alarm - the alarm to acknowledge
      username - the acknowledging user
      ackTime - the time associated with the acknowledgment
      message - reason message. Leave null when no reason is given.
      the updated alarm instance or null if the alarm was not found
    • reset

      public ActiveAlarm<T> reset(ActiveAlarm<T> alarm, String username, long resetTime, String message)
      Reset a latched alarm
      alarm -
      username -
      resetTime -
      message -
      the updated alarm instance or null if the alarm was not found
    • clear

      public ActiveAlarm<T> clear(ActiveAlarm<T> alarm, String username, long clearTime, String message)
      Acknowledges an active alarm instance. If the alarm state is no longer applicable, the alarm is also cleared, otherwise the alarm will remain active.
      alarm - the alarm to clear
      username - the user that cleared the alarm
      message - reason message. Leave null when no reason is given.
      the updated alarm instance or null if the alarm was not found
    • shelve

      public ActiveAlarm<T> shelve(ActiveAlarm<T> alarm, String username, String message, long shelveDuration)
      Shelve an alarm
      alarm -
      username -
      message -
      shelveDuration - shelve duration in milliseconds
      the updated alarm instance or null if the alarm was not found
    • unshelve

      public ActiveAlarm<T> unshelve(ActiveAlarm<T> alarm, String username)
      Un-shelve an alarm
      alarm -
      username -
      the updated alarm instance or null if the alarm was not found
    • doStart

      public void doStart()
      Specified by:
      doStart in class
    • update

      public void update(T pv, int minViolations)
    • update

      public void update(T value, int minViolations, boolean autoAck, boolean latching)
    • moreSevere

      protected static boolean moreSevere(Object newValue, Object oldValue)
    • moreSevere

      protected static boolean moreSevere(Pvalue.MonitoringResult mr1, Pvalue.MonitoringResult mr2)
    • moreSevere

      protected static boolean moreSevere(Event.EventSeverity es1, Event.EventSeverity es2)
    • doStop

      public void doStop()
      Specified by:
      doStop in class
    • clearAll

      public void clearAll()
      Removes all active alarms without acknowledgement !use only for unit tests!
    • getSubject

      protected abstract S getSubject(T value)
    • addActiveAlarmFromTuple

      protected abstract void addActiveAlarmFromTuple(Mdb mdb, Tuple t)
    • alarmTableName

      protected abstract String alarmTableName()
    • getColNameLastEvent

      protected abstract String getColNameLastEvent()