/  Yamcs Server Manual  /  Web Interface  /  Admin Area  /  Admin Home

Admin HomeΒΆ

The Admin Area within the Yamcs web interface provides a set of administrative views on Yamcs.

It is accessible to superusers by selecting Admin Area from the app menu of the toolbar.

The initial page shows general server metrics.

Yamcs version

Version of Yamcs. Versions of the form x.y.z are production builds, whereas versions of the form x.y.z-SNAPSHOT indicate a development build.


Git reference (SHA1) uniquely identifying the source tree at the time the release was made.

Server ID

Name of this specific Yamcs installation. This name is used where Yamcs requires some kind of server identity. For example, system parameters (= parameters generated by Yamcs itself) include the Server ID in their name.


Operating system name and version.


Operating system architecture.


Java virtual machine implementation name, version and vendor.

Working directory

The working directory of the Yamcs daemon. Relative paths in configuration files are resolved against this.

Config directory

The directory containing the configuration files (YAML and other).

Cache directory

The directory where Yamcs services may store working data.

Data directory

Directory where Yamcs databases are stored. Data is grouped by Yamcs instance, and a special instance named _global for cross-cutting data.


The duration that the current Yamcs process has been operational.

Load average

System load average for the last minute. The exact calculation is operating system specific, and on some platforms is not available at all.

Available processors

The number of processors available to the Java virtual machine.

Heap memory

The amount of heap memory that is committed for the Java virtual machine to use. In parenthesis: the actual used memory and the maximum amount of memory that can be used.

Heap memory is used for object allocation, which includes both live objects and garbage objects that have not been collected.

Non-heap memory

The amount of non-heap memory that is committed for the Java virtual machine to use. In parenthesis: the actual used memory and the maximum amount of memory that can be used.

Non-heap memory includes all the memory the JVM allocates for purposes other than the heap.

Thread count

Estimate of the number of active threads.

Root directories

This rubric shows information per root directory for the file systems accessible to the Java virtual machine.


Root path


Representation of the type of file store.

Total space

Size of the file store.

Unallocated space

Unallocated space in the file store.

Usable space

Space on the file store that is available to the Java virtual machine.