/  Yamcs Server Manual  /  Services  /  Instance Services  /  File listing service

File listing service

This service provides an interface for retrieving and saving the list of files of a certain remote directory.

This may be coupled with the file transfer services, such as the CFDP service -- which implements it --, to provide remote directory listing capabilities.

Implementing classes may make use of a org.yamcs.filetransfer.FileListingParser in order to parse a provided file listing according to a certain specification (currently org.yamcs.filetransfer.BasicListingParser and org.yamcs.filetransfer.CsvListingParser exist).

Class Name



This service is defined in etc/yamcs.instance.yaml but its configuration is implementation specific. Here is an example of it being parametrised inside a file transfer service with a set file listing parser:

  - class: org.yamcs.filetransfer.MyFileTransferService
    name: my-file-transfer
        fileListingServiceClassName: org.yamcs.filetransfer.MyFileListingService
            automaticDirectoryListingReloads: false
            fileListingParserClassName: org.yamcs.filetransfer.BasicListingParser
                directoryTerminators: ["/"]

Configuration Options

The interface has no common parameters but these may be of use by certain implementations:


Class to use to parse the file listing data.


Arguments to pass to the FileListingParser used.

The implementation specific parameters (and defaults) can be found in their respective class:

Parser Configuration Options

Each implementation of the file listing parsers have their own parameters.


The BasicListingParser parses the file listing from a linebreak separated list of filenames. Directories are detected by checking whether the file name ends with a directory terminator.

removePrependingRemotePath (boolean)

Whether the filenames in the file listing contain the remote path as a prefix. Default: true

directoryTerminators (list)

Directory terminators, used to determine whether a file name corresponds to a directory. Parsing will remove all prepending and ending directory terminators. Default: ["/"]


The CsvListingParser parses the file listing from a Comma Separated Value text, with each line representing a file and each column one of its properties. Timestamps can be parsed as numbers or as strings in the ISO format.

useCsvHeader (boolean)

Whether the parser should read the header of the CSV to determine what value goes to which property. Default: false

protobufColumnNumberMapping (map)

Mapping of the RemoteFile protobuf field names to the column number of the CSV (not used if useCsvHeader is true). Default: Column numbers are the same as the protobuf's (same order of fields)

headerProtobufMapping (map)

Mapping of the CSV column names in the header (when useCsvHeader is true) to the protobuf fields names of RemoteFile. Default: Same names as the protobuf fields

timestampMultiplier (float)

If timestamps are parsed as numbers, the multiplier to use to get the result in milliseconds. Default: 1000