/  Yamcs Server Manual  /  Services  /  Instance Services  /  CFS Event Decoder

CFS Event Decoder

Decodes cFS (Core Flight System) events. This service translates binary cFS telemetry packets into Yamcs events.

The packets are filtered by message id (first 2 bytes of the header).

The structure of the event packets is as defined in the CFE_EVS_LongEventTlm_Payload struct. The structure had different names in older versions of cFS.

The field EventType is used to derive the event severity:

  • value 3 is considered severity ERROR

  • value 4 is considered severity CRITICAL

  • all the other values are considered severity INFO

Class Name



This service is defined in etc/yamcs.instance.yaml. Example:

  - class: org.yamcs.tctm.cfs.CfsEventDecoder
      msgIds: [0x0808]
      byteOrder: BIG_ENDIAN
      charset: US-ASCII
      appNameMax: 20
      eventMsgMax: 122
        - tm_realtime

Configuration Options

msgIds ([integer])

The message ids that will be considered as events. This argument is required.

byteOrder (string):

The byte order of the event telemetry packet. Default:BIG_ENDIAN

charset (string):

The charset used to decode the text string. Default: US-ASCII

appNameMax (integer):

The size of the app name in bytes. Default: 20

eventMsgMax (integer):

The size of the event message string in bytes. Default: 122

streams ([string]):

The streams to process for events. Not required. If no stream is provided, all telemetry streams of type tm are used (these are configured in the instance configuration file under the streamConfig section).