/  Yamcs Server Manual  /  Services  /  Global Services  /  Process Runner

Process Runner

Runs an external process. If this process exits this Yamcs service stops too unless a restart option is configured and applicable.

The subprocess inherits environment variables set on Yamcs, and additionally includes the variable YAMCS=1. Further environment variables can be configured.

Class Name



This is a global service defined in etc/yamcs.yaml. Example:

  - class: org.yamcs.ProcessRunner
      command: "bin/simulator.sh"

Configuration Options

command (string or string[])

Required. Command (and optional arguments) to run.

directory (string)

Set the working directory of the started subprocess. If unspecified, this defaults to the working directory of Yamcs.

environment (map)

Pass custom environment variables to the subprocess.

logLevel (string)

Level at which to log stdout/stderr output. One of INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, WARN, ERROR. Default: INFO

logPrefix (string)

Prefix to prepend to all logged process output. If unspecified this defaults to [COMMAND].

restart (string)

When to start a new process if the original process exits. One of always, on-success, on-failure or never. Default: never.

successExitCode (integer or integer[])

Exit codes of the subprocess that are considered successful. This is used to evaluate the appropriate restart behavior. Default: 0.