/  Yamcs HTTP API  /  Table  /  List Tables

List TablesΒΆ

List tables

The response will only include fixed columns of the table. Tuples may always add extra value columns.

URI Template

GET /api/archive/{instance}/tables

Yamcs instance name.

Response Type

interface ListTablesResponse {
  tables: TableInfo[];

Related Types

interface TableInfo {

  // Table name
  name: string;
  keyColumn: ColumnInfo[];
  valueColumn: ColumnInfo[];
  script: string;
  histogramColumn: string[];
  storageEngine: string;
  formatVersion: number;
  tablespace: string;
  compressed: boolean;
  partitioningInfo: PartitioningInfo;

interface ColumnInfo {

  // Colum name
  name: string;

  // Column type
  type: string;
  enumValue: EnumValue[];

  // Attribute indicating automatic auto increment upon
  // record insertion. Only set for table column info.
  autoIncrement: boolean;

interface EnumValue {
  value: number;
  label: string;

interface PartitioningInfo {
  type: PartitioningType;
  timeColumn: string;
  timePartitionSchema: string;
  valueColumn: string;
  valueColumnType: string;

enum PartitioningType {
  TIME = "TIME",