/  Yamcs HTTP API  /  Processing  /  Get Algorithm Status

Get Algorithm StatusΒΆ

Get the algorithm status

URI Template

GET /api/processors/{instance}/{processor}/algorithms/{name*}/status

Yamcs instance name.


Processor name.


Algorithm name.

Response Type

interface AlgorithmStatus {

  //true if the algorithm is active
  active: boolean;

  //true if the tracing has been enabled
  traceEnabled: boolean;

  // how many times the algorithm ran (successfully or with error)
  runCount: number;

  // when the algorithm was last run
  lastRun: string;  // RFC 3339 timestamp

  // how many times the algorithm ran with errors
  errorCount: number;

  // if the algorithm produced an error,
  // the fields below contain the error message and the time when the error was raised
  errorMessage: string;
  errorTime: string;  // RFC 3339 timestamp

  //total execution time in nanoseconds
  execTimeNs: string;  // String decimal