/  Yamcs HTTP API  /  Alarms  /  Subscribe Global Status

Subscribe Global StatusΒΆ

Receive alarm status updates


This method requires to upgrade an HTTP connection to WebSocket. See details on how Yamcs uses WebSocket.

Use the message type global-alarm-status.

Input Type

interface SubscribeGlobalStatusRequest {
  instance: string;
  processor: string;

Output Type

interface GlobalAlarmStatus {

  //the number of active unacknoleged alarms
  unacknowledgedCount: number;

  //true if there is at least one unacknowledged alarm not OK (i.e. latest value of parameter still out of limits)
  unacknowledgedActive: boolean;

  //the number of active ackonwledged alarms
  acknowledgedCount: number;

  //true if there is at least one acknowledged alarm not OK (i.e. latest value of parameter still out of limits)
  acknowledgedActive: boolean;

  //the number of shelved alarms
  shelvedCount: number;

  //true if there is at least one shelved alarm not OK (i.e. latest value of parameter still out of limits)
  shelvedActive: boolean;