Class SystemPrivilege


public class SystemPrivilege extends Object
A system privilege is the right to perform a particular action or to perform an action on any object of a particular type.

There is no 'wildcard' that represent all system privileges. For such behaviour you should instead consider granting a user the 'superuser' attribute.

This is not an enum because of extensibility reasons.

  • Field Details

    • ControlProcessor

      public static final SystemPrivilege ControlProcessor
      Allows to control any processor.
    • ReadCommandHistory

      public static final SystemPrivilege ReadCommandHistory
    • ModifyCommandHistory

      public static final SystemPrivilege ModifyCommandHistory
      Allows to modify command history.
    • ControlActivities

      public static final SystemPrivilege ControlActivities
      Allows to control activities
    • ControlCommandQueue

      public static final SystemPrivilege ControlCommandQueue
      Allows to control the state of command queues.
    • ControlCommandClearances

      public static final SystemPrivilege ControlCommandClearances
      Allows to clear users for commanding.
    • ControlFileTransfers

      public static final SystemPrivilege ControlFileTransfers
      Allows to control file transfers.
    • ReadFileTransfers

      public static final SystemPrivilege ReadFileTransfers
      Allows to read file transfer information.
    • ManageParameterLists

      public static final SystemPrivilege ManageParameterLists
      Allows to create, update and delete parameter lists.
    • CommandOptions

      public static final SystemPrivilege CommandOptions
      Allows specifying command options (extra attributes in the command history, disable/modify verifiers)
    • GetMissionDatabase

      public static final SystemPrivilege GetMissionDatabase
      Allows to read the entire Mission Database.
    • ReadActivities

      public static final SystemPrivilege ReadActivities
      Allows to read activity state
    • ReadAlarms

      public static final SystemPrivilege ReadAlarms
      Allows to read alarm state
    • ControlAlarms

      public static final SystemPrivilege ControlAlarms
      Allows to manage alarms
    • ControlArchiving

      public static final SystemPrivilege ControlArchiving
      Allows to manage archiving properties of Yamcs.
    • ControlServices

      public static final SystemPrivilege ControlServices
      Allows to control the lifecycle of services
    • CreateInstances

      public static final SystemPrivilege CreateInstances
      Allows to create instances.
    • ManageAnyBucket

      public static final SystemPrivilege ManageAnyBucket
      Allows to manage buckets of any kind
    • ControlAccess

      public static final SystemPrivilege ControlAccess
      Allows to control access (users, groups, roles, ...)
    • ReadEvents

      public static final SystemPrivilege ReadEvents
      Allows to read any event.
    • WriteEvents

      public static final SystemPrivilege WriteEvents
      Allows to manually create events.
    • WriteTables

      public static final SystemPrivilege WriteTables
      Allows to manually add records to tables.
    • ReadTables

      public static final SystemPrivilege ReadTables
      Allows to read tables.
    • ChangeMissionDatabase

      public static final SystemPrivilege ChangeMissionDatabase
      Allows to change online the MDB (calibrators, alarms and algorithms)
    • ControlTimeCorrelation

      public static final SystemPrivilege ControlTimeCorrelation
      Allows to control time correlation
    • ReadTimeline

      public static final SystemPrivilege ReadTimeline
      Allows to view the timeline
    • ControlTimeline

      public static final SystemPrivilege ControlTimeline
      Allows to modify the timeline
    • ReadSystemInfo

      public static final SystemPrivilege ReadSystemInfo
      Allows to view system information (OS, JVM, threads, replication, ...)
  • Constructor Details

    • SystemPrivilege

      public SystemPrivilege(String name)
  • Method Details