Back-fills the parameter archive by triggering replays: - either regularly scheduled replays - or monitor data
streams (tm, param) and keep track of which segments have to be rebuild
Base class for all segments of values, timestamps or ParameterStatus
Boolean value sgement uses a boolean array backed by a long[] to represent the boolean values as a set of bits
32 bit integers encoded as deltas of deltas (good if the values are relatively constant or in increasing order)
A collection of ParameterValueSegment with a common timeSegment.
Segment for all non primitive types.
The parameter archive stores data in partitions(optional) -> intervals -> segments.
Stores a map between List<parameter_id> and ParameterGroup_id.
The parameter archive gives each (fqn, rawType, engType) a numeric 32 bits pid.
Stores a map (parameter_fqn, type) -> parameter_id
A list of parametersIds with values all having the same timestamp
Iterator over values of one (parameterId, group id)
Contains retrieval options used when extracting parameters from the parameter archive.
Stores parameter values for one parameter over a time range.
Parameter Group segment - keeps references to Time and Value segments for a given parameter group and segment.
Realtime archive filler task - it works even if the data is not perfectly sorted
Holder, encoder and decoder for the segment keys (in the sense of key,value storage used for RocksDb)
TimeSegment stores timestamps relative to the interval start.
Interface for segments of columnar data.