Package org.yamcs.http.api
package org.yamcs.http.api
ClassDescriptionOne-pass downsampler for time-series data (i.e. numeric archived parameters), where the number of recorded data points are not known upfront.A cumulative sample that keeps track of a rolling average among others.Helper methods for dealing with Protobuf "well-known types".MdbPageBuilder<T extends NameDescription>Builds a page result for a collection of matching space systems and other items.MdbPageBuilder.MdbPage<T extends NameDescription>Matches a search term with an XTCE name or any of the aliasesStateless continuation token for paged MDB requests.builds ranges of parametersExpected class type for use with
Adds functionality for stopping a replay, and has support for paginationAbstracts some common logic for creating replaysRetrieves values for one parameter combining parameter archive (for past data) and cache (for recent data).Stateless continuation token for paged requests that output timesorted data