Package org.yamcs

Interface YamcsService

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
FileTransferService, TmIndexService
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractFileTransferService, AbstractYamcsService, AlarmMirrorService, AlarmRecorder, CcsdsTmIndex, CfdpService, CfsEventDecoder, CommandHistoryRecorder, EventRecorder, HttpServer, ParameterArchive, ParameterListService, ParameterRecorder, ParameterRetrievalService, ProcessorCreatorService, ProcessRunner, PusEventDecoder, ReplayServer, ReplicationMaster, ReplicationServer, ReplicationSlave, SimulatorCommander, SystemParametersCollector, SystemParametersService, TimeCorrelationService, TimelineService, TseCommander, XtceTmRecorder

public interface YamcsService extends
Required interface of a Yamcs Service. A Yamcs Service is a Guava service with hooks in the Yamcs configuration system.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface,
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default Spec
    Returns the valid configuration options for this service.
    returns the instance name
    default void
    init(String yamcsInstance, String serviceName, YConfiguration config)
    Initialize this service.

    Methods inherited from interface

    addListener, awaitRunning, awaitRunning, awaitRunning, awaitTerminated, awaitTerminated, awaitTerminated, failureCause, isRunning, startAsync, state, stopAsync
  • Method Details

    • getSpec

      default Spec getSpec()
      Returns the valid configuration options for this service.
      the argument specification, or null if the args should not be validated.
    • getYamcsInstance

      String getYamcsInstance()
      returns the instance name
    • init

      default void init(String yamcsInstance, String serviceName, YConfiguration config) throws InitException
      Initialize this service. This is called before the service is started. All operations should finish fast.
      yamcsInstance - The yamcs instance, or null if this is a global service.
      serviceName - The service name.
      config - The configured arguments for this service. If getSpec() is implemented then this contains the arguments after being validated (including any defaults).
      InitException - When something goes wrong during the execution of this method.