All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract class for all commands that use AdapterUtil for conversion and displays the exception in a suitable dialog.
Base editPart controller for a widget based on AbstractBoolControlModel.
Abstract boolean control figure for bool button, toggle switch...
Abstract model for boolean controls.
Base editPart controller for a widget based on AbstractBoolWidgetModel.
Base figure for a widget based on AbstractBoolWidgetModel.
This class defines a common widget model for all the boolean widgets.
The abstract editpart of choice widget.
The abstract figure for widget which can perform choice action.
The abstract model for choice widget.
The abstract data that holds multiple properties.
The editpart for AbstractContainerModel
The model which could contain children.
An abstract cell editor, which values should be edited by a custom Dialog.
The listener when a pv name related transfer data is dropped to the viewer.
The abstract action for executing script.
Feedback factory for widgets which need square size.
A runnable that able to inject inputstream to the task, so the method AbstractInputStreamRunnable.setInputStream(InputStream) must be called before scheduling this task.
The Abstract editpart for layout widgets.
The abstract model for layout widgets.
Abstract linear marked figure.
The abstract base model for LinkingContainer widgets.
Base editPart controller for a widget based on AbstractMarkedWidgetModel.
Base figure for a widget based on AbstractMarkedWidgetModel.
This class defines a common widget model for any widget which has one scale and standard markers.
We have multiple implementations of the Anchor, and the FixedPointsConnectionRouter needs to know orientation in which the connector connects to the widget in order to correctly calculate the route.
This enum tells in which direction a connector is connected to the widget
Abstract EditPart controller for the Polyline/polygon widget.
An abstract class that handles the pvFormula property.
The abstract edit part for all PV armed widgets.
The abstract widget model for all PV related widgets.
Abstract figure with a round ramp and a round scale.
Base editPart controller for a widget based on AbstractScaledWidgetModel.
Base figure for a widget based on AbstractScaledWidgetModel.
This class defines a common widget model for any widget which has a scale.
The script store help to store the compiled script for afterward executions.
This is an abstract class which represents all Container Editparts which can be scrollable and have a ScrollPane
Helper class to wrap a selection provider (e.g. a table, a tree, ...), so that events are fired at the same time, but the selection is changed to a different type (e.g.
Abstract EditPart controller for the shape widgets.
The abstract widget model for all shape based widgets.
The abstract figure for all SWT widget based figure.
Main class for Symbol Image display.
Abstract class for formula functions that take two VBooleans as arguments and return a VBoolean.
Abstract class for formula functions that take two integer VNumber as arguments and return an integer VNumber.
Abstract class for formula functions that take two VNumberArray as arguments and return a VNumberArray.
Abstract class for formula functions that take a VNumber and a VNumberArray as arguments and return a VNumberArray.
Abstract class for formula functions that take one VNumber as argument and return a VNumber.
Abstract class for formula functions that take a VNumberArray and a VNumber as arguments and return a VNumberArray.
Abstract class for formula functions that take two VNumber as arguments and return a VBoolean.
Abstract class for formula functions that take two VNumbers as arguments and return a VNumber.
Figure for a web browser widget.
The abstract widget action, which can be executed from the widget by click or context menu.
The abstract editpart for all widgets.
The base widget property class for all kinds of widget property.
The abstract action which will be performed on a widget target.
Lists acknowledgments
EditPart controller for the ActioButton widget.
A re-written action button figure which can pass mouse event state to action listener.
The introspector for widget inherited from AbstractScaledWidgetFigure.
An action button widget model.
The cell editor for actions.
The value type definition for ActionsProperty, which describes the input for an actions Property.
The dialog to configure actions input.
The widget property for actions.
The property descriptor for actions property.
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle
Utilities for using adapters, particularly against selections.
Add a tab after the current tab.
Add a tab before the current tab.
The command which add a tab to the tab widget.
Add widget to container
Alarm information.
Formula functions that operate on Alarms.
The scheme for alarm color which provide unified colors and borders for alarms.
Severity of an alarm.
Interface for listening to changes of alarm severity.
A label whose background could be set with alpha.
The handle that shows the small red square on anchor.
Cache that stores images until the simple time of all TimedElement of the current TimedDocumentRoot has been reset.
The controller for arc widget.
The arc figure
The widget model
Multi dimensional array, which can be used for waveforms or more rich data.
Wraps a boolean[] into a ListBoolean.
Wraps a byte[] into a ListByte.
Cell boundaries and unit information needed for array display.
Wraps a double[] into a ListDouble.
Editpart for array widget.
The feedback factory for array widget.
The figure for array widget.
Wraps a float[] into a ListFloat.
A set of functions to work with VNumberArrays.
Wraps a int[] into a ListInt.
The EditPolicy for array widget.
Wraps a long[] into a ListLong.
The model for array widget.
Wraps a short[] into a ListShort.
The Editpolicy to handle direct text edit in index spinner of an array widget.
Used in plugin.xml core-expressions to keep track of connection state
Common used constants.
Helper to handle wildcards.
Handles history of auto-completed fields.
History proposal provider.
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle.
Implements IAutoCompleteProposalProvider and manages the ContentProposalList with results from AutoCompleteService.
Result provided by IAutoCompleteProvider.
Service which handles content parsing (see IContentParser) and requesting proposals from defined providers (see IAutoCompleteProvider.
Common types for auto-completed fields, used by IContentParser to determine if the field has to be parsed.
List commonly used types.
Auto complete Widget helper to manage with special field editor.
Enable auto-completed content on the specified Control.
Auto size columns of the table widget.
A converter between AWT BufferedImage and SWT ImageData.
Bool button figure
The widget model for Boolean Button.
A boolean widget property.
Descriptor for a property that is a boolean value which should be edited with a boolean cell editor.
Boolean Switch EditPart
Boolean Switch figure
The widget model for Boolean Switch.
The factory to create borders for IFigure
The style of border.
The factory to create a PV for BOY.
Extension of standard BridgeContext which uses the extended SVGAnimationEngine in order to access TimedDocumentRoot.
An implementation of a list on top of buffer.
A bulb figure, which could be used for knob, LED etc.
A wrapper for byte[].
This class implements the widget edit part for the Byte Monitor widget.
Helper for computing cache expiration info.
Cache statistics
Widget for displaying and selecting an absolute date and time.
Listener interface for the CalendarWidget.
A table column with SWT.CENTER and just an image, will not be centered on at least Windows platforms.
A command to change a Guide.
The action which changes the order of widget.
The command to change the order of a child.
Change widget orientation.
Flip a widget horizontally.
A command, that changes the point list of a poly widget.
Duplicate the current tab.
Change tab index.
Figure for a check box.
The model for checkbox widget
The editpart of choice button widget.
The figure of choice button.
Model of Choice Button.
Clear XY Graph.
A Command to clone the selected widgets.
A TextCellEditor that exposes a method to externally allow accepting a value.
A collection of bytes.
A collection of doubles.
A collection of floats.
A collection of ints.
A collection of longs.
A collection of numeric (primitive) elements.
Utilities to work with number collections.
Utility class to facilitate Javascript programming for color operation.
Color Map data type.
The cell editor for ColorMap
The property descriptor for color map.
The color map figure which can be used as the ramp of intensity graph.
The widget property for color.
A color Tuple which include a double value and rgb value.
Figure for a Combo widget.
Decorates a Combo box to maintain the history.
The model for combo widget.
Store command entries copied from the command history or the command stack.
Helper for executing a (system) command.
Keeps an assembled state of multiple events related to one CommandId
Hand-written ugly command parser.
The widget property for a command name.
The property descriptor for a Command name which supports auto complete.
Client-side structure for keeping track of an ordered set of commands with various options and checks.
Used in plugin.xml core-expressions to keep track of stack state
A text cell editor that allows procedure autocomplete.
JFace ViewerFilter for use with GPB CommandInfo
The cell editor for complex data.
A property that can hold data with multiple properties.
The property descriptor for complex data property.
Configure widget properties on runtime.
Pops up the connection manager dialog.
A command to create a connection between two widgets.
A command to disconnect (remove) a connection from its endpoints.
The handler help a widget to handle the pv connection event such as PVs' disconnection, connection recovered.
Model for connection.
Type of router.
Access point for UI preferences related to yamcs connections
A command to reconnect a connection to a different start point or end point.
A modal dialog for managing connection to Yamcs servers.
Used in plugin.xml core-expressions to keep track of connection state
Log handler that displays messages in the Eclipse Console view.
The EditPolicy help to show the blue background when there are selected widgets hovering over the container.
Tree Editpart for container widgets.
Descriptor used in IContentParser and IAutoCompleteProvider to describe the current auto-completed content.
The popup used to display tooltips.
Helper for content parsing.
ContentProposalAdapter can be used to attach content proposal behavior to a control.
Handles all proposals from all providers.
The lightweight popup used to show content proposals for a text field.
Common content types, can be extended to define specific content types.
A job that helps to switch context (instance/processor) while keeping the same YamcsClient.
General purpose utility to allowing Drag-and-Drop "Drag" of any adaptable or Serializable object.
General purpose utility to allowing Drag-and-Drop "Drop" of any adaptable or serializable object.
The action that only copy properties from a widget.
The action to copy selected widgets to clipboard.
The action will create a group which contains all the selected widgets.
A Command to create a Guide.
CSSButtonBorder provide a single source access to the real ButtonBorder, which for some reason is not same for RAP and RCP.
CSSSchemeBorder provide a single source access to the real SchemeBorder, which for some reason is not same for RAP and RCP.
Writes CSV according to RFC 4180.
A factory, which provides convinience methods for the creation of Images and Fonts.
Cut widgets to clipboard.
Utility class to facilitate Javascript programming for data operation.
A datetime picker dialog.
A default implementation of IGraphicalFeedbackFactory which does nothing to changing default graphical feedback behavior.
The default widget introspector, which will filter out the non widget properties from Figure.
A utility class to throttle actions caused by user interaction.
Delete a column from the table widget.
A Command to delete a guide.
Delete a row from the table widget.
Limit and unit information needed for display and control.
Allows to build a Display object which can then be re-used to generate values with the same metadata.
The editpart for the root display.
IEditorLauncher that opens display in runtime.
The root model for an OPI Display.
A manager help to manage the display open history and provide go back and forward functions.
A complex properties data that holds display scale options.
The actions to distribute widgets.
A wrapper for double[].
A cell editor that manages a java.lang.Double entry field.
A property, which is able to handle Double values.
Descriptor for a property that has a value which should be edited with a double cell editor.
EditPart controller for the ActioButton widget.
The editpart delegate for draw2d text input widget.
Class DrillDownComposite implements a simple web style navigation metaphor.
The request to drop a pv on a target.
The editpolicy for dropping pv onto a PV widget.
The editpolicy for dropping pv onto a PV widget.
The editpolicy for dropping pv onto a XYGraph widget.
Definition for a function that can be integrated in the data source language.
The registry to add functions that will be used by the auto-complete.
A set of functions that can be used in the data source.
The description for a function set to be used in data source language.
Dump all PVs in the OPI.
Duplicate the current tab.
Duplicate a tab
The controller for ellipse widget.
An ellipse figure.
The widget model of ellipse widget.
The widget property for string.
The widget property for string.
The dialog for embedded script editing.
Empty IEditorInput.
Metadata for enumerations.
An error bar to display an exception message and the details in a pop-up.
Allows the user to select the source for the events managed by EventLogTableViewer from a dropdown Combo box.
A dialog to display one or more errors to the user, as contained in an IStatus object.
The action executing a system command.
The action executing javascript with the default javascript engine embedded in JDK.
The action executing python script.
The execution mode of the widget.
Service for the execution of asynchronous tasks using thread pools.
Protobuf type yamcs.protobuf.spell.ExecutorInfo
Protobuf type yamcs.protobuf.spell.ExecutorInfo
The expression data for a rule.
A custom cell dialog editor to browse file path applying filters.
This class represents a Dialog to choose a file (applying or not filters) in the workspace.
The property for file path, which is represented as a String.
Descriptor for a property that has a value which should be edited with a path cell editor.
File path property descriptor with filters on image resource name.
A custom file path property applying filters on image resource name.
The Utility class to help file operating.
The action will auto size the selected widget to fill its parent container.
The router that route a connection through fixed points
The anchor is on a fixed position of the figure.
Function to simulate a boolean signal that turns on and off.
A wrapper for float[].
A table cell editor for values of type Font.
The format enumeration for formating a pv value to string.
The abstract syntax tree corresponding to a formula expression.
The type of a formula AST node.
PV formula content parser.
Definition for a function that can be integrated in the formula language.
PV formula functions provider.
A set of utility methods for formula functions.
A set of functions that can be used in the formulas.
The description for a function set to be used in formula language.
The registry to add functions that will be used by the formula parser.
The action to make CSS full screen.
Descriptor used in IContentParser and IAutoCompleteProvider to describe a content matching a function.
Utility class to parse variable names and create simulated signals.
EditPart controller for the Gauge widget.
Feedback Factory for Gauge.
The figure of gauge
This class defines a gauge widget model.
Function to simulate a signal that has a gaussian distribution.
Function to simulate a waveform containing a gaussian that moves to the left.
Provides support for selecting, positioning, and resizing an editpart.
The utility class contains functions that all related with graphics.
The editpart for grid layout widgets.
The widget model for grid layout widget which layout widgets in grids.
The Editpart Controller for a Grouping Container
Feedback Factory for Grouping Contianer
The figure of grouping container, which can host children widgets.
The model for grouping container widget.
The Model for a Guide.
A class, which contains the information which AbstractWidgetModel is attached to which vertical and horizontal Guide.
A singleton back thread which will help to execute tasks for OPI GUI refreshing.
The utility class to facilitate script programming in GUI operation.
Provides auto-completion results to ContentProposalAdapter.
Interface for auto-complete providers.
Used by AutoCompleteService to notify that a IAutoCompleteProvider has returned a AutoCompleteResult.
Common interface for auto-completed fields content parsers.
This interface is used to listen to additional notifications from a ContentProposalAdapter.
Handle results from IAutoCompleteProposalProvider.
The listener on a operations manager.
A collection of eclipse IDs for various parts of the application model.
A graphical feedback factory is used to summarize and expose graphical feedback settings, which are normally spread over different GEF EditPolicies.
The error handler for exception in job.
Provides value for a macro.
EditPart controller for the image widget.
The widget model for Boolean Switch.
EditPart controller for the image widget.
The widget model for Boolean Switch.
EditPart controller for the image widget.
An image figure.
An image widget model.
Widget that displays an image.
A widget to display a set of Images
Utility class, which provides access to images.
Utility class to change image behavior like color, shape, rotation management, ...
Definition of listeners that react on string value change.
Definition of listeners that react on manual value change events.
The import wizard to import OPI Examples.
Infinite loop detected.
Insert a column on the table widget.
Insert a row on a Table widget.
The action that install examples
The action to install OPI symbol images library.
A wrapper for int[].
A cell editor that manages a java.lang.Integer entry field.
The integer property.
Descriptor for a property that has a value which should be edited with a integer cell editor.
An intensity graph figure.
Color depth of the image data in RGB1 mode, since SWT only support 8 bit color depth, it has to convert all data to [0,255].
Interface for notifications about a 'Pixel'
Provides info to be displayed on ROI label.
ROI listener which will be notified whenever ROI moved.
The model for intensity graph.
An introspectable object can give its bean information.
The common interface for OPI runtime, which could be an editor or view.
A wrapper that wraps primary data types array.
A listener on all events of the PV.
A store to save script related information and register or unregister script for PVs input.
An iterator of bytes.
An iterator of doubles.
An iterator of floats.
An iterator of ints.
An iterator of longs.
An iterator for a stream of primitive numbers, which allows to retrieve the value casted in the type you prefer.
An interface that for figures that provide text.
The delegate interface that describes the common functions of Native Text and draw2d Text Input.
The model for widgets have text property, so the widget can be directly edited by installing TextDirectEditPolicy.
Simple implementation for VBoolean.
Immutable VByte implementation.
Immutable VDouble implementation.
Immutable VFloat implementation.
Immutable VInt implementation.
Partial implementation for numeric types.
Immutable VMultiDouble implementation.
Partial implementation for numeric types.
Immutable VShort implementation.
Use this adapter to provide widget specific information to other widgets.
The handler to execute corresponding changes when property value changed.
The dialog for editing multiline text.
This is the implementation of AbstractScriptStore using the Nashorn script engine.
This is the implementation of AbstractScriptStore for Jython PythonInterpreter.
EditPart controller for the knob widget.
Feedback Factory for Knob.
The figure of knob
This class defines a knob widget model.
The locator of label cell editor.
The editpart for Label widget.
A field editor for displaying labels not associated with other widgets.
A text figure for single line text display.
The model for label widget.
The introspector for widget inherited from Label.
LauncherHelper is a utility class that provides common methods needed for launching the OPI from the resource navigator.
An action to layout widgets in a container.
Handler to handle the layout widgets command which has a key binding of Ctrl+L.
The common code for LayoutWidgetsAction and LayoutWidgetsHandler.
LED EditPart
Feedback Factory for LED.
LED figure
The widget model for LED.
The line sytle: 0: Solid, 1: Dash, 2: Dot, 3: DashDot, 4: DashDotDot.
The Editpart Controller for a linking Container
The figure of linking container, which can host children widgets from another OPI file.
The model for linking container widget.
How should the container behave when the OPI it is wrapping has content of a different size to the widget.
Wrapper around LinkInfo with some extra metadata for use in the table
An ordered collection of booleans.
An ordered collection of bytes.
An ordered collection of doubles.
An ordered collection of floats.
An ordered collection of ints.
An ordered collection of longs.
Math operations defined on lists of numbers.
An ordered collection of numeric (primitive) elements.
Utilities for manipulating ListNumbers.
Protobuf type yamcs.protobuf.spell.ListProceduresRequest
Protobuf type yamcs.protobuf.spell.ListProceduresRequest
Protobuf type yamcs.protobuf.spell.ListProceduresResponse
Protobuf type yamcs.protobuf.spell.ListProceduresResponse
An ordered collection of shorts.
Local Data Source content parser.
Local Data Source content provider.
Holds local data.
A datasource that provides in-memory PVs.
The action to lock or unlock children in grouping container.
Handler to handle lock/unlock grouping container children which has a key binding of Ctrl+L.
A wrapper for long[].
Dialog that allows user edit the macros.
The cellEditor for macros property descriptor.
The value type definition for MacrosProperty, which describes the input for a Macros Property.
The dialog for editing macros.
The property for macros.
Descriptor for a property that has a value which should be edited with a macros cell editor.
A table of macros that's initialized from a string or a hash map, keeping the macro names and values in a hash
The utility functions for macros operations.
The Major categories of widgets on the palette.
The editpolicy that allows to move the middle segment of a manhattan conneciton.
A function set that corresponds to all methods in Math.
A service help to maintain the color macros.
Figure for the menu button.
EditPart controller for the Gauge widget.
Feedback Factory for LED.
The figure of Express Meter
The introspector for widget inherited from AbstractScaledWidgetFigure.
This class defines a XMeter widget model.
Simple meter widget.
TableColumnLayout that enforces a minimum column width
A Command to move a Guide.
The dialog cell editor for multiline text editing.
The dialog for editing multiline text.
The property descriptor for multiline text editing.
Combo-type widget that allows selecting multiple items.
Multi channel array.
A property category whose name is specified from the constructor input.
Utility class to parse variable names and create simulated signals.
This is not used anymore since the native button is merged to action button.
EditPart controller delegate for Native Button widget.
Figure for a native button widget.
the native button is not used anymore.
not used anymore
The editpart delegate for native text input widget.
Figure for a native text widget.
not used anymore.
Go back/forward to one of the OPIs opened before in the OPI Runner.
A wizard for creating new Javascript File.
Wizard page for the creation of new javascript files.
A wizard for creating new OPI Files.
Wizard page for the creation of new OPI files.
The import wizard of OPI Symbol Images Library.
A wizard for creating new Python script file
Wizard page for the creation of new Python script files.
Function to simulate a signal that has a uniform distribution.
Function to simulate a waveform containing a uniformly distributed random data.
The exception shows that the property doesn't exist.
Exception for not implemented functions.
Factory class for frequently used NumberFormats.
De-serializes java classes looking for the classloaders in the appropriate osgi bundle.
Action for executing a display.
The action opening a file using its default editor.
Context menu wrapper for OpenDisplayAction.
The action that opens webpage in default system web browser.
A menu for opening files in the workbench.
Selfdefined MacroUtil for opibuilder.
The dedicated color type which supports predefined color name in OPI builder color file.
The cell editor for OPIColor.
The dialog for selecting OPIColor.
The property descriptor for OPI Color.
The OPI Editor.
The action bar contributor for OPI editor.
ContextMenuProvider implementation for the OPI editor.
The factory help to create the palette.
The preference page for OPIBuilder
The RulerProvider for the OPI Editor.
The dedicated font type which supports predefined font name in OPI builder font file.
The cell editor for OPIFont
The dialog for editing OPI Font.
Descriptor for a property that has a value which should be edited with a font cell editor.
A rectangle figure.
The editor for running of OPI.
ContextMenuProvider implementation for the OPI Runner.
Perspective for display runtime
The toolbar contributor for OPI runner
The delegate to run an OPI in an editor or view.
The preference page for OPIBuilder
The toolbar contributor for OPI runner
An OPIShell is a CS-Studio OPI presented in an SWT shell, which allows more free integration with the host operating system.
RCP View summarising OPI shells.
A customized timer for the internal use of OPI builder.
A customized timer for the internal use of OPI builder.
RCP 'View' for display runtime
The transfer for clip board related actions.
Yamcs Opsname DataSource content parser.
PV Name lookup for Yamcs Parameters
Orphan a child from its parent.
The overview outline page.
Yamcs Parameter DataSource content parser.
PV Name lookup for Yamcs Parameters
A datasource that provides parameter data coming from Yamcs
MDB Info for a parameter
Tweak ZoomComboContributionItem to dedicate to a part.
Tweak ZoomInAction.
Tweak ZoomOutAction
The action that paste the properties from clipboard.
Action class that copies all widgets that are currently stored on the Clipboard to the current Editor's display model.
A patched connection layer clipping strategy that will hide the connection when either one of the source or target is not showing.
Patch ScalableFreeformRootEditPart to change the zoom combo items sort to have predefined zoom contributions on top.
Patched Scrolling graphical viewer implementation.
Patched Scrolling graphical viewer implementation.
Persistable editor input based on path
Factory for restoring a persisted PathEditorInput
The action will auto size the container according to the bounds of its children.
Permuation matrix used to flip/rotate images
RCP 'View' for debugging a Perspective
Currently only resumes a paused replay.
An action which plays a .wav file.
A singleton service managed by YamcsPlugin
A table cell editor for values of type PointList.
A custom creation tool for PointList dependend widgets.
A transformator utility for PointList objects.
The property for script.
Descriptor for a property that has a value which should be edited with a pointlist cell editor.
This class can be used to manimuplate points.
A polar point in a standard polar coordinates system.
Custom feedback figure for polyglines.
Editpart of polygon widget.
Graphical feedback factory for polygon widgets.
A polygon figure.
A polygon widget model
This class represents an anchor on a polygon or polyline widget.
Editpart for polyline widget.
Graphical feedback factory for polyline widgets.
A polyline figure.
This class represents a polyline connection which is able to draw a "jump" over some other polyline connection.
The model for polyline widget.
A drag tracker, that moves points of polygons or polylines.
A handle, used to move points of a polyline or polygon.
Places a handle for a polygon or polyline point.
The introspector for widget inherited from AbstractPointListShape.
Utility class to register context pop-up menus.
Preference Page, registered in plugin.xml
Read preferences
This is the central place for preference related operations.
TODO use gson for better migrations, or use eclipse prefs
The action to print display.
The print mode selection dialog.
Protobuf type yamcs.protobuf.spell.ProcedureInfo
Protobuf type yamcs.protobuf.spell.ProcedureInfo
The widget property for a procedure name.
The property descriptor for a Procedure name which supports auto complete.
A text cell editor that allows procedure autocomplete.
Used in plugin.xml core-expressions to keep track of play/pause button state
Control System Process Variable Name Allows Drag-and-Drop to transfer PV names, can be used for context menu object contributions.
The Drop PV target listener for process variable name transfer.
EditPart controller for the scaled slider widget.
A progress bar figure
This class defines a scaled slider widget model.
The data for coping properties.
The transfer for clip board related actions.
The dialog to edit an array of properties.
The EditingSupport for the value columns of the property table.
The LabelProvider for the properties table.
Select properties dialog.
Hold place for temp property value.
Defines a proposal as it will be displayed.
Used to define a SWT StyleRange on proposal display.
A provider as defined via OSGI services and preferences.
Descriptor used in IContentParser and IAutoCompleteProvider to describe a content matching a PV.
The widget property for pvname.
The property descriptor for PV Name which supports auto complete.
A text cell editor that allows pv name auto complete.
The data structure which include the pvName and trigger flag
A table editor which can edit string boolean pair.
The utility class to facilitate Javascript programming for PV operation.
The property which contains a IValue.
The adaptor factory to make a PV widget as a PV provider for css context menu.
The connection handler for PV widget.
The model delegate for widgets have PV Name property.
This handle allows setting pv name directly on widget.
The dialog for editing multiline text.
Editpart of Radio Box widget.
The figure of Radio Box.
Model of Radio Box.
Function to simulate a signal that increases constantly within a range (saw-tooth shape).
A range of numeric values.
Utility classes to compute ranges.
Widget that display a range (currently only time, and only vertical) which can be modified using a mouse drag.
Yamcs raw DataSource content parser.
Various 'improvements' to RCP code to shorten our code a bit
Various 'improvements' to RCP code to shorten our code a bit
The editpart of a rectangle widget.
The model for rectangle widget.
Implementing some introspection functions based on the class name instead of the class object.
Handles the refresh of the archive view
Refresh the OPI just like the OPI is reopened.
Used in plugin.xml core-expressions to keep track of enabled/disabled state of the refresh-archive button in the ArchiveView toolbar.
Copied from nodeclipse, but could not find a license, so assuming public domain, or EPL
This class represents a Dialog to choose a file in the workspace.
Reload OPI to linking container.
Groups entities that have been populated from the remote server.
The action will remove a group and move all the selected widgets to the group's parent.
Remove the current tab.
The command which add a tab to the tab widget.
The command to replace a widget to the target widget..
The action that paste the properties from clipboard.
The action to reroute a connection.
Workbench-level composite for resource and container specification by the user.
Workbench-level composite for resource and container specification by the user.
This class represents a Dialog to choose a file in the workspace.
Workbench-level composite for choosing a filtered resource.
Workbench-level composite for choosing a resource.
Utility functions for resources.
This class is for creating new IResource-objects.
Resets the execution state, but keeps the stack intact
The cell editor for RGB Color.
The editpart of a rectangle widget.
An rounded rectangle figure.
The model for a rounded rectangle widget.
A special border which fills the background with a round rectangle.
Round scale has the tick labels and tick marks on a circle.
A ramp looks like a colorful donut, which is used to indicate the alarm limit, hihi, hi, lo or lolo.
The alarm thereshold for a PV, includs HIHI, HI, LO or LOLO.
Round Scale tick labels.
Round scale tick marks.
The RowEditDialog is the abstract superclass of dialogs that are used to edit a row of items in a table
Data of a rule.
The dialog for rule data editing.
The model for a Ruler.
The ScriptData converted from RuleData
The data definition for RulesProperty.
The cell editor for rules input.
The dialog for rules input editing.
The property for rules.
The property descriptor for RulesProperty.
Action to run a Yamcs command
General-purpose job to run multiple commands.
Runs commands from a single selected line
Action to run a Yamcs Command Stack.
Service for executing a display
How/where a new display is presented
The editor input for OPI Runner.
Factory for saving and restoring a RunnerInput.
Action to launch OPI runtime from editor.
Action to run a SPELL procedure.
Custom selection tool for OPI Runtime.
Editing runtime properties dialog.
The Editpart Controller for a Sash Container
A Sash Container figure.
style of the sash.
The model for sash container widget.
Function to simulate a waveform containing a triangle wave.
Basic type definition for all scalar types.
EditPart controller for the scaled slider widget.
A Scaled Slider figure
This class defines a scaled slider widget model.
The introspector for widget inherited from AbstractScaledWidgetFigure.
A dialog with two buttons to select which type of script need to be created.
The description data for a script.
The property for script.
The property descriptor for script.
The center service for script execution.
The value type definition for ScriptProperty, which describes the input for a Script Property.
The cell editor for scripts input.
The dialog for scripts input editing.
The factory to return the corresponding script store according to the script type.
The utility class to facilitate BOY script programming.
ScrollBar Figure which supports double value.
Lays out the Figures that make up a ScrollBar.
The model of scroll bar widget.
Select all widgets in a group
The action will select parent container of current selected widget.
Handler to handle the select parent command which has a key binding of Ctrl+R.
A custom separator.
Drag-and-Drop Transfer for any serializable object.
A command, which applies position and location changes to widget models.
A Command to set a property value of a widget.
The introspector for widget inherited from AbstractScaledWidgetFigure.
IEditorLauncher that opens display in new OPIShell.
A wrapper for short[].
The action to show/hide the index in tree view.
Show the predefined macros of the selected widget in console and message dialog.
Show details information of widget's primary PV.
Show detailed information of a widget's PVs.
Show/Hide XYGraph Toolbar
Simulation Data Source content parser.
Simulation Data Source content provider.
A function set that corresponds to all methods in Simulation DataSource.
Base class for all simulated functions.
Default implementation for formatting.
Function to simulate a signal shaped like a sine.
Function to simulate a 2D waveform containing a sine wave.
Function to simulate a waveform containing a sine wave.
A stack with limited size.
A sorted view of a list.
Responsible for playing sound.
A field editor for adding space to a preference page.
The Editpolicy to handle direct text edit in spinner.
The figure for a spinner widget.
The model of spinner widget.
A table allow displaying and editing 2D text array as in spreadsheet.
Listener on table cell editing events.
Listener on table contents modified events.
Listener on table selection changed events.
A figure that holds a SpreadSheetTable.
Function to simulate a 2D waveform containing a sine wave.
Function to simulate a waveform containing a square wave.
Keep track of the lifecycle of a stacked command.
A widget with which allows you to select a range from a predefine range of values.
Protobuf type yamcs.protobuf.spell.StartProcedureRequest
Protobuf type yamcs.protobuf.spell.StartProcedureRequest
The statistics of a given set of numbers.
Basic type for statistical information of numeric types.
Utility class to calculate statistical information.
A contribution item to be used with status line managers.
The cellEditor for string list property descriptor.
The dialog for editing String List.
The property for string list.
Descriptor for a property that has a value which should be edited with a StringList cell editor.
A UI to display two lists of strings with button to move one or more selected strings between the two groups.
The cellEditor for string map property descriptor.
The dialog for editing String Map.
Descriptor for a property that has a value which should be edited with a StringMap cell editor.
The widget property for string.
Function to simulate a signal that generates Strings.
Split string into segments
The cellEditor for macros property descriptor.
Content provider for List of String or String[].
The dialog for editing String Table.
Editor for table (list) of String or String[] entries, allows up/down ordering, add and delete
Field Editor for String table (a 2D String Array) input.
The property for string table.
Descriptor for a property that has a value which should be edited with a String Table cell editor.
Manages the update of CSS defined colors of StyleSheet.
Extension of standard SVG12BridgeContext which uses the extended SVGAnimationEngine in order to access TimedDocumentRoot.
Manages the update of defined colors values of SVGAnimateElement.
Extension of standard SVGAnimationEngine which allows to access the TimedDocumentRoot.
SVGDocument handler.
Listener of SVGHandler to be notified of images generated by the UpdateManager i.e. when an animated SVG file with animation started is specified.
Manages the update of CSS defined colors of SVGStylableElement.
Manages display of SVGDocument using SVGHandler.
A dynamic menu for showing the processors and joining them when selected
Handler for SymbolImage properties.
System Data Source content parser.
System Data Source content provider Provides all available system functions & system properties.
The editpart of tab widget.
Definition of listeners that react on active tab index changed.
The tab item, which host all the properties data for a tab item.
Function to simulate a signal that generates VTables.
EditPart of Table widget.
Model for the Table widget.
The model for a tab widget.
EditPart controller for the tank widget.
A tank figure
This class defines a tank widget model.
An argument to a telecommand, whether that's assigned or not -- doesn't matter
The Editpolicy to handle direct text edit.
The manager help to managing the text direct editing.
A text figure without wrapping capability.
The model for text input.
Utility class for drawing text at different angles and alignments.
The Drop PV target listener for text transfer.
The Editpolicy to handle direct text edit.
The model for text indicator.
EditPart controller for the Thermometer widget.
A Thermometer figure
Temperature Unit Enum
This class defines a thermometer widget model.
The view for ThumbWheel.
Model for the ThumbWheel.
Time information.
Thread-safe Cache for anything that times out after some time.
Entry in the TimedCache
Time interval where both ends can be open
A period of time that spans two instances (included) at the nanosecond precision.
A dialog with a tip and a check box to not show this dialog again.
Placeholder for 'TO DO' items
A custom spacer.
Content that will be displayed in UI.
Part of TooltipContent provided via AutoCompleteResult or Proposal.
Handles a list of TooltipData to provide a TooltipContent.
Tooltip label which will show the latest tooltip value from its widget model.
Helper that uses delimiters to find the common matching token in a provided list using delimiters.
Function to simulate a waveform containing a triangle wave.
A singleton back thread which will help to execute tasks in UI thread.
Known defect: getValue will return negative numbers for UINT64 values that use the sign bit.
Just used to display something in the property view, which cannot be edited.
The widget property for list.
Extension of standard UpdateManager which allows to update the root node and filters repaints.
Utility Class help to process the differences between version upgrade.
Access to user preferences (stored under ~/.config/yamcs-studio).
Factory class for all concrete implementation of the types.
Formats a data type to a String representation.
Various utility methods for runtime handling of the types defined in this package.
Scalar boolean with alarm and timestamp.
Byte array with alarm, timestamp, display and control information.
Scalar byte with alarm, timestamp, display and control information.
Byte array with alarm, timestamp, display and control information.
Scalar double with alarm, timestamp, display and control information.
Double array with alarm, timestamp, display and control information.
Scalar enum with alarm and timestamp.
Formula functions that operate on VEnums.
The line border which allows versatile line style: SWT.LINE_SOLID, SWT.LINE_DASH, SWT.LINE_DOT, SWT.LINE_DASHDOT or SWT.LINE_DASHDOTDOT.
Version property.
Scalar float with alarm, timestamp, display and control information.
Float array with alarm, timestamp, display and control information.
Represent an image.
Data type description for VImage data.
Scalar integer with alarm, timestamp, display and control information.
Int array with alarm, timestamp, display and control information.
Scalar long with alarm, timestamp, display and control information.
Long array with alarm, timestamp, display and control information.
Scalar number with alarm, timestamp, display and control information.
Numeric array with alarm, timestamp, display and control information.
Formula functions that operate on VNumbers.
Scalar short with alarm, timestamp, display and control information.
Short array with alarm, timestamp, display and control information.
Statistics for double with alarm, timestamp and display information.
Scalar string with alarm and timestamp.
Formula functions that operate on VStrings.
A table.
Formula functions that operate on VTables.
Tag interface to mark all the members of the value classes.
A center place for VType related operations.
Helper class that provides default implementation of toString for VTypes.
The editpart of web browser widget.
Figure for a web browser widget.
The model for web browser widget.
The factory creating all the widget actions.
An Action, which encapsulates a AbstractWidgetAction.
Component Editpolicy for widgets.
Editpart for connections between widgets.
Container edit policy which supports children orphan.
The command to add a widget to a container.
The CreationFactory to create the widget.
The command to delete a widget.
This class help to hold the related information for a widget which are acquired from the extension.
The central factory to create editpart for all widgets.
Provides for a frame-like border which contains a title bar for holding the title of a Figure.
The element in the GUIRefreshThread's task queue.
The editpolicy that allows the creation of connections and the reconnection of connections between widgets.
Categories of widget properties.
The listener on widget property change.
A complex properties data that holds the options for scaling a widget.
The command to support move/resize.
Select widget dialog.
A service help to find the widget from extensions and help to maintain the widgets information.
The edit policy for widgets operation on a tree.
Basic tree editpart for all widgets.
The factory creating tree editpart from model.
An edit policy that pass MOVE request to its parent.
The Utility Class to help managing widgets.
The EditPolicy for create/move/resize a widget.
Standard main page for a wizard that creates a file resource.
A service for storing related resources for each workbench window.
A field editor for a workspace file path type preference.
A text figure which is able to wrap text automatically and show scrollbar if necessary
An actions writing value to a PV.
The utility class for XML related operation.
Can be either an XTCE item or an XTCE subsystem
The model for XYGraph
Marks a component as being aware of the global UI state.
UI class.
Forked from org.csstudio.utility.product.ApplicationWorkbenchAdvisor to clear dependency on utility.product
Keeps track of IPV registration state and takes care of establishing or re-establishing a bundled parameter subscription against Yamcs.
Handles the enabled state for the zoom-in command
Handles the enabled state for the zoom-out command