Class StringTableProperty


public class StringTableProperty extends AbstractWidgetProperty<String[][]>
The property for string table.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • StringTableProperty

      public StringTableProperty(String prop_id, String description, WidgetPropertyCategory category, String[][] defaultValue, String[] titles)
      StringList Property Constructor. The property value type is 2D string array.
      prop_id - the property id which should be unique in a widget model.
      description - the description of the property, which will be shown as the property name in property sheet.
      category - the category of the widget.
      defaultValue - the default value when the widget is first created. It cannot be null.
      titles - the title for each column. The length of titles array is the number of columns. it can be null if the property is not visible.
    • StringTableProperty

      public StringTableProperty(String prop_id, String description, WidgetPropertyCategory category, String[][] defaultValue, String[] titles, StringTableEditor.CellEditorType[] cellEditorTypes, Object[] cellEditorDatas)
      StringList Property Constructor. The property value type is 2D string array.
      prop_id - the property id which should be unique in a widget model.
      description - the description of the property, which will be shown as the property name in property sheet.
      category - the category of the widget.
      defaultValue - the default value when the widget is first created. It cannot be null.
      titles - the title for each column. The length of titles array is the number of columns. it can be null if the property is not visible.
  • Method Details