/  Yamcs Studio User Guide  /  Widgets  /  Image


Widget that displays an image.


Basic Properties

Image File (image_file)

The image file to be shown (GIF, PNG, JPG, BMP).

Name (name)

Human-readable name of this widget. Shown in the Outline view.

Widget Type (widget_type)

Readonly property describing the type of this widget.

Behavior Properties

Actions (actions)

Executable Actions attached to this widget.

Rules (rules)

Rules attached to this widget.

Scripts (scripts)

Scripts attached to this widget.

Visible (visible)

Manage the visibility of this widget.

Border Properties

Border Color (border_color)

The color of the widget border.

Has no meaning with certain types of border styles (for example, raised borders have a fixed style).

Border Style (border_style)

The type of border. Some border styles also colorize the background of the widget’s bounding box.

Border Width (border_width)

The thickness of the widget border.

Has no meaning with certain types of border styles (for example, raised borders have a fixed style).

Display Properties

Background Color (background_color)

The color of the background of the widget’s bounding box. Only visible when the widget uses a border style that fills up the widget area.

Tooltip (tooltip)

Tooltip when mouse hovers this widget.

Transparent (transparency)

Support transparent parts of the drawn image. If false, these parts are filled with the widget Background Color instead.

Image Properties

Animation Aligned to Nearest Second (align_to_nearest_second)

In case the image is an animated GIF, then start the animation only upon the next second.

Auto Size (auto_size)

Adjust the size of the widget to the image size. Has no effect when Stretch to Fit is enabled.

Crop Bottom (crop_bottom)

Amount of pixels to be cropped from the bottom of the image.

Crop Left (crop_left)

Amount of pixels to be cropped from the left of the image.

Crop Right (crop_right)

Amount of pixels to be cropped from the right of the image.

Crop Top (crop_top)

Amount of pixels to be cropped from the top of the image.

Flip Horizontal (flip_horizontal)

Flip the image horizontally.

Flip Vertical (flip_vertical)

Flip the image vertically.

No Animation (no_animation)

In case the image is an animated GIF, control whether it shows animated or not.

Rotation Angle (degree)

Angle in degrees by which to rotate the image clockwise.

Stretch to Fit (stretch_to_fit)

Adjust the size of the image to the widget size.

Position Properties

Height (height)

Height of the widget area in pixels.

Scale Options (scale_options)

If autoscaling is enabled on the Display, then this property allows controlling whether and how this widget participates.

Width (width)

Width of the widget area in pixels

X (x)

X-coordinate in pixels of the top-left corner of the widget area.

Y (y)

Y-coordinate in pixels of the top-left corner of the widget area.