/  Yamcs Studio User Guide  /  Tuning  /  Capturing Log Output

Capturing Log OutputΒΆ

In case you need to debug an issue with a deployed Yamcs Studio client, it can be useful to capture the logging output. Instructions are specific to the platform.


Launch the executable from a terminal window while redirecting all output to a file named log.txt

./Yamcs\ Studio >log.txt 2>&1

Mac OS X

With Terminal navigate into the Yamcs Studio application bundle and launch the executable directly from there while redirecting all output to a file named log.txt. For example:

cd Yamcs\ Studio.app/Contents/MacOS
./Yamcs\ Studio >log.txt 2>&1


With Command Prompt navigate into the location where you installed Yamcs Studio and launch the executable while redirecting all output to a file named log.txt. For example:

"Yamcs Studio.exe" >log.txt 2>&1