/  Yamcs Studio User Guide  /  Actions


Widgets have an Actions property which is used to trigger actions upon user interaction. The common case is to trigger Actions with an Action Button.

Example Action

Actions can be linked to a push event of a button, or the release event of a toggle button. All actions of a widget are also available via the right-click context menu of that widget.

When using a widget scripts, an action can also be triggered programmatically using executeAction(index).

The available actions are:

Open OPI
Opens another OPI.
Indicate the workspace path to the OPI with File Path.
Use the Mode to select whether the OPI should by default open in the same tab. Note that the runtime user can override this default behaviour by right-clicking the button.
Write PV

Writes the specified value to a PV. The macro $(pv_name) is automatically substituted with the PV attached to the widget.

Execute System Command

This executes a command on your operating system.

Execute JavaScript

Execute a JavaScript. Link to a script file in your workspace, or alternatively embed it into the Action.

Execute Python Script

Execute some Python script. Link to a script file in your workspace, or alternatively embed it into the Action.

Run Command

This runs a telecommand on the currently connected Yamcs processor.

Run Command Stack

This runs all commands in a Yamcs Command Stack file (extension *.ycs).

Play WAV File

Plays the specified sound file.

Open File

Opens a workspace file with the default handler.

Open Webpage

Open the specified web page with the integrated web browser.