Yamcs: SLE Plugin
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Cltu Throw Event¶
Invoke a CLTU Throw Event.
The link has to be of type org.yamcs.sle.OfflineTmSleLink
URI Template
POST /api/sle/links/{instance}/{linkName}:throwEvent
Yamcs instance name
Link name
Request Body
// The CCSDS FCLTU standard does not define parameters of the throw
// event invocation but gives some examples in annex F, see below.
// In these examples ``eventQualifier`` is an ASCII encoded string.
// Enable or disable command modulation of the carrier.
// eventIdentifier: 1
// eventQualifier: on|off
// Change bit rate to new bit rate defined by <BR> (requested new bit rate is the value of <BR> in bits/second)
// eventIdentifier:2
// eventQualifier: br <BR> [7.8125 – 4000.0]
// Change modulation index to new modulation index angle defined by <MI>
// (requested new modulation index is the value of <MI> in milli-radians).
// eventIdentifier: 3
// eventQualifier: mi <MI> [1 – 1570]
// Change both bit rate and modulation index as described above.
// eventIdentifier: 4
// eventQualifier: br <BR> mi <MI>
// For convenience, the message below allows the event qualifier to be specified
// either as string or as binary. Only one of them can be used at a time.
// The SLE throw message requires a binary; the string will be converted to binary
// using UTF-8 encoding.
interface CltuThrowEventRequest {
eventIdentifier: number;
eventQualifier: string;
eventQualifierBinary: string; // Base64
Response Type
// If the CLTU Throw event is successful, the return contains only the
// event id. Otherwise the error field will contain the error.
interface CltuThrowEventResponse {
// Event identifier passed in the request
eventIdentifier: number;
// Error, if there was one
error: string;