/  Yamcs Server Manual  /  Web Interface  /  Events


This section provides a view on Yamcs events. By default only the latest events within the last hour get shown. The view offers ample filter options to change which events are shown. The table is paged to prevent overloading the browser. If you like to see beyond the current page, you can click the button 'Load More' at the bottom of the view. Alternatively you can choose to click the 'Download Data' button at the top right. This will trigger a download of the events in CSV format. The download will apply the same filter as what is shown in the view.

The Events table can also monitor incoming events on the current processor. Do so by clicking the play button in the top toolbar. You may stop the live streaming at any time by clicking the pause button.

The Events table has a severity filter. This filter allows defining the minimum severity of the event. Events that are more severe than the selected severity will also be shown. By default the severity filter is set to the lowest severity, Info, which means that all events will be shown.

With the right privilege, it is possible to manually post an event. You can enter an arbitrary message and assign a severity. The time of the event will by default be set to the current time, but you can override this if preferred. The source of an event created this way will automatically be set to User and will contain a user attribute indicating your username.