/  Yamcs Server Manual  /  Web Interface  /  Configuration


Web options are configured in the file etc/yamcs.yaml.

  tag: Example Mission
  logo: etc/logo.png
    - label: Wiki
      url: https://example.com/wiki
      external: true

Some options can also be configured at instance-level in the file etc/yamcs.instance.yaml.

  displayBucket: customBucket
  stackBucket: customBucket

Global Configuration Options

tag (string)

Short descriptor string of this Yamcs server. If present this is shown in the top bar. The primary motivation for this option is to be able to distinguish between multiple Yamcs servers in distributed deployments.

logo (string)

Filesystem path to an image to be shown in the bottom of the left sidebar. Images larger than the width of the sidebar (currently 250px) are resized to fit.

extraHeaderHTML (string)

Additional HTML to be included at the end of the <head></head> section.

displayBucket (string)

Bucket where to find display resources.

Default: displays

stackBucket (string)

Bucket where to find stacks.

Default: stacks

staticRoot (string)

Filesystem path where to locate the web files for the Yamcs Web Interface (.js, .css, .html, ...). If not specified, Yamcs will search the classpath for these resources (preferred).

It should only be necessary to use this option when doing development work on the Yamcs Web Interface. It allows to run npm in watch mode for a save-and-refresh development cycle.

twoStageCommanding (boolean)

Controls whether to protect commanding from from accidental clicks. If true issuing a command will require two clicks at least (arm-and-issue).

This feature is primarily intended for an operational setting.

Default: false

collapseInitializedArguments (boolean)

Controls the display of argument fields of a command form. If true, arguments with an initial value are collapsed by default.

Default: true

commandExports (boolean)

Controls whether the button to generate an offline command report is shown.

Default: true

disableLoginForm (boolean)

Set to true if the login form should never be shown.

For example because access should exclusively occur through an external identity provider.

Default: false

logoutRedirectUrl (string)

The URL to redirect to after logging out of Yamcs. If unset, users are redirected to the built-in login page.

utc (boolean)

Format time in UTC. If false, format in browser local time.

This setting also affects time inputs.

Default: true

cookie (map)

Configure cookies planted by Yamcs Web.

These values should be configured when hardening your deployment.

See "Cookie sub-configuration" section below.

tc (boolean)

Controls whether commmanding functionalities are shown.

Default: true

tmArchive (boolean)

Controls whether functionalities related to TM archiving are shown.

Default: true

siteLinks (list of maps)

Configure custom site links that can be visited from the website header.

See "Site Links sub-configuration" section below.

events (map)

Configure event-related properties.

See "Events sub-configuration" section below.

Cookie sub-configuration

secure (boolean)

Add a secure attribute

This should be set to true when Yamcs is served over HTTPS

Default: false

sameSite (string)

Configure the SameSite attribute

This should be set to strict when Yamcs is served over HTTPS

One of lax, strict or none

Default: lax

Site Links sub-configuration

url (string)

Required. Site URL

label (string)

Required. Descriptive name of this URL.

external (boolean)

Mark this link as external. External links are opened in a new tab.

Default: false

Events sub-configuration

extraColumns (list of maps)

Additional event columns specific to a deployment.

See "Extra Columns sub-configuration" section below.

Extra Columns sub-configuration

id (string)

Required. Identifier of this column. This corresponds with a key in the extra map of an event.

label (string)

Required. Descriptive name of this column.

visible (boolean)

Whether this column is visible by default.

Default: true

alwaysVisible (boolean)

Whether this column always visible.

If false, the user may choose to hide it.

Default: false

after (string)

Required. Identifier of the column after which to position this column.

One of severity, gentime, message, source, type, rectime or seqNumber

Instance Configuration Options

displayBucket (string)

Bucket where to find display resources.

If unset, defaults to the display bucket specified globally

stackBucket (string)

Bucket where to find stacks.

If unset, defaults to the stack bucket specified globally

parameterArchive (string)

Controls whether the Parameter Archive is used. This is a secondary storage structure optimized for parameter querying.

When disabled, parameter history is retrieved by re-extracting stored packets on the fly.

The default value of auto will use the Parameter Archive, if it is available for the instance.

If tmArchive is false, this option has no effect.

This option does not currently apply to CSV exports which always do replays (shall be addressed in a future version of Yamcs).

One of enabled, disabled or auto

Default: auto