/  Yamcs Server Manual  /  Web Interface  /  Admin Area  /  API Routes

API RoutesΒΆ

This page displays all available API methods.


Method name in the format [SERVICE].[METHOD]. A service, in this context, is a grouping of functionally-related methods.


The total number of completed request, since server start.


The number of requests that resulted in server errors. If this counter is not zero, it is of interest to find the appropriate error stacktrace in the Yamcs log.

Errors originating from the client (bad request, not found) do not count as server errors. An error response to such requests is within expectation,and will not increment this counter.


Mapping towards HTTP of this method in the format VERB PATH.

Internally the Yamcs API implementation is largely agnostic of HTTP. Instead it implements RPC-like services (Remote Procedure Call), which are transcoded from and to HTTP requests.