/  Yamcs Server Manual  /  Security  /  AuthModules  /  LDAP AuthModule

LDAP AuthModule

The LDAP AuthModule supports authentication of users via the LDAP protocol.

It first searches for the distinguished name that matches a submitted username, and then attempts a bind using the submitted password.

This module can also be chained to the Kerberos AuthModule or SPNEGO AuthModule modules in order to add user attributes and roles to a user that logged in via Kerberos or Kerberos SPNEGO.

Class Name


Configuration Options

host (string)

Required. The LDAP host

userBase (string)

Required. The search base for users.

Example: ou=people,dc=example,dc=com

port (integer)

The LDAP port. Default: 389 for unencrypted connections, otherwise 636.

tls (boolean)

If true the LDAP connection will be encrypted. Default: false

user (string)

The bind DN that Yamcs should use to search user properties. If unspecified Yamcs will attempt to do an anonymous bind. On many LDAP installations an anonymous bind does not give sufficient access to user information.

password (string)

The password matching the bind DN.

attributes (map)

Configure which LDAP attributes are to be considered. If unset, Yamcs uses defaults that work out of the box with many LDAP installations.

userFilter (string)

User search filter. If unspecified, the default is to search by the account name attribute. See RFC 4515 for filter syntax.

The filter should include at least one occurrence of the {0} character sequence, which upon login is replaced with the attempted username.

Example: (&(sAMAccountName={0})(memberOf=cn=developers,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com))

groupMappings (list of maps)

Manage mappings from LDAP groups to Yamcs roles.

This makes use of the memberOf attribute in the user entry. If the LDAP directory does not support the memberOf attribute, you can instead configure the options groupBase, groupFilter and groupFilterUserAttribute.

requiredIfKerberos (boolean)

If true this module performs an LDAP lookup on users that were identified by Kerberos AuthModule or SPNEGO AuthModule. If the lookup fails, the login process is aborted.

If the LDAP directory does not support memberOf, you can configure group lookup with the following configuration options:

groupBase (string or list of strings)

DNs to search through for finding memberships.

Example: ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com

groupFilter (string)

Search filter to find group entries for the user. The filter should include at least one occurrence of the {0} character sequence, which gets replaced with the value of the groupFilterUserAttribute configuration option.

Example: (member={0})

groupFilterUserAttribute (string)

Attribute from the user entry to use in the groupFilter lookup.

Example: dn

Attributes sub-configuration

name (string)

The name of the account name attribute. This is used to search a DN within the userBase as well as to map to the Yamcs account name. For Active Directory this should usually be set to sAMAccountName.

Default: uid.

email (string or string[])

The name of the email attribute. If multiples are defined, they are tried in order. Default: [mail, email, userPrincipalName].

displayName (string or string[])

The name of the display name attribute. If multiples are defined, they are tried in order. Default: cn.

Group Mapping sub-configuration

dn (string)

Required. DN of an LDAP group.

role (string)

Name of a Yamcs role to assign to this user.

superuser (boolean)

If true, grant this user the superuser attribute, implying all privileges.