/  Yamcs Server Manual  /  Programs  /  yamcsd



yamcsd [--version] [--help] [--check] [--log <LEVEL>] [--log-config <FILE>] [--no-color] [--no-stream-redirect] [--etc-dir <DIR>] [--data-dir <DIR>] [--cache-dir <DIR>] [--netty-leak-detection <LEVEL>]


yamcsd is a shell wrapper that launches a JVM running the Yamcs main program.


--log <LEVEL>

Level of verbosity. From 0 (off) to 4 (all). Default: 2. This option only affects console logging, not file logging. For high verbosity levels, this option should be combined with the option --log-config to reduce the amount of output to only selected individual loggers.

--log-config <FILE>

Finetune the log level of individual loggers. This option only affects console logging, not file logging. An example is given below. When this option is not specified, all loggers are active.


Add this flag to disable ANSI color codes used in console logging.


Add this flag to prevent Yamcs from redirecting stdout/stderr output via the logging system.

--etc-dir <DIR>

Path to config directory. This defaults to the etc directory relative to the working directory.

--data-dir <DIR>

Path to data directory. When unspecified the location is read from the etc/yamcs.yaml configuration file.

--cache-dir <DIR>

Path to cache directory. When unspecified the location is read from the etc/yamcs.yaml configuration file.


Run syntax tests on configuration files and quit.

--netty-leak-detection <LEVEL>

Level of leak detection used by the Netty library. Leak detection is disabled by default as it has a negative impact on performance. The available levels are:


Disables leak detection (default)


Samples 1% of all Netty resources and reports when a leak is detected. Small overhead, but difficult to tell what caused the leak.


Samples 1% of all Netty resources and reports when a leak is detected and where the object was recently accessed. High overhead.


Tracks all Netty resources and reports when a leak is detected and where the object was recently accessed. Very high overhead.

Note that leak detection triggers only upon a GC.

-v, --version

Print version information and quit.

-h, --help

Show usage.


The following environment variables may be specified.


Path to data directory.


Path to configuration directory.


Path to cache directory.


Suppress colorized output. The NO_COLOR alias is a convention used by many other programs.

Log Config Example

The file specified with the option --log-config must be in properties format, where keys represent a logger, and values represent the verbosity level of that logger. Unmentioned loggers are considered to be off (level = 0). Example:

# Levels:
# 0 = off
# 1 = warnings and errors
# 2 = info
# 3 = debug
# 4 = trace

org.yamcs = 3
org.yamcs.http = 1
com.example.myproject = 4

Note that the effective log level of any specified logger is always ceiled to that of the --log option.