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Extending Yamcs
Yamcs Release Notes
Source Code Documentation
CCSDS Frame Processing¶
This section describes Yamcs support for parts of the following CCSDS specifications:
TM Space Data Link Protocol CCSDS 132.0-B-3
AOS Space Data Link Protocol CCSDS 732.0-B-4
TC Space Data Link Protocol CCSDS 232.0-B-4
Unified Space Data Link Protocol CCSDS 732.1-B-2
TC Synchronization and Channel Coding CCSDS 231.0-B-4
TM Synchronization and Channel Coding CCSDS 131.0-B-4
Communications Operation Procedure (COP-1) CCSDS 232.1-B-2
Space Packet Protocol CCSDS 133.0-B-2
Encapsulation Service CCSDS 133.1-B-3
These specifications are dealing with multiplexing and to a certain extent encoding data for transmission on a space link.
The document Space Data Link Protocols — Summary of Concept and Rationale provides a comprehensive summary of the different protocols and it is recommended to read it before attempting to configure Yamcs to use these protocols.
Telemetry Frame Processing¶
The CCSDS specifies how to transport data into three types of frames:
Yamcs supports to a certain extent all three of them. The main support is around the "packet service" - that is describing how the telemetry packets are extracted from the frames. The implementation is however generic enough (hopefully) such that it is possible to add additional functionality for processing non-packet data (e.g. sending video to external application).
The packets are inserted into frames which are sent as part of Virtual Channels (VC). The VCs can have different priority on-board, for example one VC can be used to transport low volume HK data, while another one to transport high volume science data.
Note that The USLP and TC frames support a second level of multiplexing called Multiplexer Access Point (MAP) which allows multiplexing data inside a VC. The MAP service is only supported for TC, not for USLP.
Currently the built-in way to receive frame data inside Yamcs is by using the UdpTmFrameLink data link. The yamcs-sle project provides an implementation of the Space Link Extension (SLE) which allows receiving frame data from SLE-enabled Ground Stations (such as those from NASA Deep Space Network or ESA ESTRACK). The options described below are valid for both link types.
An example of a UDP TM frame link specification is below:
- name: UDP_FRAME_IN
class: org.yamcs.tctm.ccsds.UdpTmFrameLink
port: 10017
codec: RS
interleavingDepth: 5
errorCorrectionCapability: 16
derandomize: false
frameType: "AOS"
spacecraftId: 0xAB
frameLength: 512
frameHeaderErrorControlPresent: true
insertZoneLength: 0
errorDetection: CRC16
clcwStream: clcw
goodFrameStream: good_frames
badFrameStream: bad_frames
- vcId: 0
ocfPresent: true
service: "PACKET"
maxPacketLength: 2048
packetPreprocessorClassName: org.yamcs.tctm.IssPacketPreprocessor
stream: "tm_realtime"
- vcId: 1
ocfPresent: true
service: "PACKET"
maxPacketLength: 2048
stripEncapsulationHeader: true
packetPreprocessorClassName: org.yamcs.tctm.GenericPacketPreprocessor
stream: "tm2_realtime"
- vcId: 2
ocfPresent: true
service: "PACKET"
maxPacketLength: 2048
packetPreprocessorClassName: org.yamcs.tctm.IssPacketPreprocessor
stream: "tm_dump"
The following general options are supported:
- rawFrameDecoder (map) supported since Yamcs 5.5.7
Decodes raw frame data using an error correction scheme and/or randomization. For the moment only the Reed-Solomon codec is supported. If this is not set, the frames are considered already decoded. See below for the options to the Reed-Solomon codec.
- frameType (string)
Required. One of
. The first 2 bits for AOS/TM and 4 bits for USLP represent the version number and have to have the value 0, 1 or 12 respectively. If a frame is received that has a different version, it is discarded (with a warning log message).- derandomize (boolean)
If true, derandomize the frames with the derandomizer as per CCSDS 131.0-B-4. Default: false
- spacecraftId (integer)
Required. The expected spacecraft identifier. The spacecraftId is encoded in the frame header. If a frame with a different identifier is received, it is discarded (with a warning log message).
- frameLength (integer)
The expected frame length. This parameter is mandatory for AOS and TM frames and optional for USLP frames which can have variable length. If a frame is received that does not have this length, it is discarded (with a warning log message). For USLP frames, if this parameter is specified, the following two are ignored; Yamcs will use maxFrameLength = minFrameLength = frameLength.
- maxFrameLength (integer)
Used for USLP with variable frame length to specify the maximum length of the frame. This parameter is ignored if the frameLength parameter is also specified.
- minFrameLength (integer)
Used for USLP with variable frame length to specify the minimum length of the frame. This parameter is ignored if the frameLength parameter is also specified.
- frameHeaderErrorControlPresent (boolean)
Used only for AOS frames to specify the presence/absence of the 2 bytes Frame Header Error Control. This can be used to detect and correct errors in parts of the AOS frame headers using a Reed-Solomon (10,6) code.
- insertZoneLength (integer)
The AOS and USLP frames can optionally use an Insert Service to transfer fixed-length data synchronized with the release of the frames. The insert data follows immediately the frame primary header. If the Insert Service is used, this parameter specifies the length of the insert data. If not used, please set it to 0 (default). For TM frames this parameter is ignored. Currently Yamcs ignores any data in the insert zone.
- errorDetection (string)
One of
. Specifies the error detection scheme used. TM and AOS frames support either NONE or CRC16 while USLP supports NONE, CRC16 or CRC32. If present, the last 2 respectively 4 bytes of the frame will contain an error control field. If the CRC does not match the computation, the frame will be discarded (with a warning message).- clcwStream (string)
Can be used to specify the name of the stream where the Command Link Control Words (CLCW) will be sent. The CLCW is the mechanism used by COP-1 to acknowledge uplinked frames. For TM and USLP frames, there is an OCF flag part of the frame header indicating the presence or not of the CLCW. For AOS frames it has to be configured with the
flag below. If present, the CLCW is also extracted from idle frames (i.e. frames that are inserted when no data needs to be transmitted in order to keep the constant bitrate required for downlink).- goodFrameStream (string)
If specified, the good frames will be sent on a stream with that name. The stream will be created if it does not exist.
- badFrameStream (string)
If specified, the bad frames will be sent on a stream with that name. Bad frames are considered as those that fail decoding for various reasons: length in the header does not match the size of the data received, frame version does not match, bad CRC, bad spacecraft id, bad vcid.
- virtualChannels (map)
Required. Used to specify the Virtual Channel specific configuration.
For each Virtual Channel in the virtualChannels
map, the following parameters can be used:
- vcId (integer)
Required. The configured Virtual Channel identifier.
- ocfPresent: (boolean)
Used for AOS frames to indicate that the Virtual Channel uses the Operational Control Field (OCF) Service to transport the CLCW containing acknowledgments for the uplinked TC frames. For TM and USLP frames, there is a flag in each frame that indicates the presence or absence of OCF.
- service:
Required. This specifies the type of data that is part of the Virtual Channel. One of
This is used if the data contains packets - it requires the presence of the first header pointer to indicate where in the frame the packet starts. Both CCSDS space packets and CCSDS encapsulation packets are supported (even multiplexed on the same virtual channel). The type of packet is detected based on the first 3 bits of data: 000=CCSDS space packet, 111=encapsulation packets. Idle CCSDS space packets (having APID = 0x7FF) and idle encapsulation packets (having first byte = 0x1C) are discarded.
Supported for AOS and USLP to indicate that the Virtual Channel contains only idle frames . Normally, the AOS and USLP use the Virtual Channel 63 to transmit idle frames and you do not need to define this virtual channel (in conclusion
is not very useful). The TM frames have a different mechanism to signal idle frames (first header pointer is 0x7FE).- VCA:
VCA stands for Virtual Channel Access - it is a mechanism for the user to plug a custom handler for the virtual channel data. The
property has to be defined if this option is specified (see below).
- maxPacketLength:
Required if service=PACKET. Specifies the maximum size of a packet (header included). Valid for both CCSDS Space Packets and CCSDS encapsulation packets. If the header of a packet indicates a packet size larger than this value, a warning event is raised and the packet is dropped including all the data until a new frame containing a packet start.
- packetPreprocessorClassName and packetPreprocessorArgs
Required if service=PACKET. Specifies the packet pre-processor and its configuration that will be used for the packets extracted from this Virtual Channel. See Packet Pre-processor for details.
- vcaHandlerClassName:
Required if the service = VCA Specifies the name of the class which handles data for this virtual channel. The class has to implement VcDownlinkHandler interface. Optionally it can implement Link interface to appear as a data link (e.g. in yamcs-web). An example implementation of such class can be found in the ccsds-frames example project.
Raw Frame Decoder
The options which can be selected under the rawFrameDecoder
key are the following:
- codec (string)
Required. Specifies the error correction codec to use. Valid values are
. None means the data will not be error corrected (can be still useful if only de-randomization is required). RS means the Reed-Solomon codec is used and the errorCorrectionCapability and interleavingDepth below can be used to configure the codec.- interleavingDepth (int)
The interleaving depth specifies the number of RS decoders running in "parallel" for one frame. Each interleavingDepth'th byte in the frame will be passed to a different decoder. Note however that as of Yamcs 5.5.7, the data is process sequentially not in parallel. Default: 5
- errorCorrectionCapability (int)
This is either 8 or 16 determining the RS(255, 239) respectively RS(255,223) codec to be used. Default: 16
- derandomize (boolean)
If true, the data will be passed through a derandomizer after being decoded. Default: false
Telecommand Frame Processing¶
Yamcs supports packing telecommand packets into TC Transfer Frames and in addition encapsulating the frames into Communications Link Transmission Unit (CLTU).
Currently the built-in way to send telecommand frames from Yamcs is by using the UdpTcFrameLink data link. The yamcs-sle project provides an implementation of the Space Link Extension (SLE) which allows sending CLTUs to SLE-enabled Ground Stations. The options described below are valid for both link types.
An example of a UDP TC frame link specification is below:
class: org.yamcs.tctm.ccsds.UdpTcFrameLink
host: localhost
port: 10018
spacecraftId: 0xAB
maxFrameLength: 1024
cltuEncoding: BCH
priorityScheme: FIFO
randomizeCltu: false
- vcId: 0
service: "PACKET"
mapId: 1
priority: 1
commandPostprocessorClassName: org.yamcs.tctm.IssCommandPostprocessor
stream: "tc_sim"
useCop1: true
clcwStream: "clcw"
initialClcwWait: 3600
cop1T1: 3
cop1TxLimit: 3
slidingWindowWidth: 15
bdAbsolutePriority: false
The following general options are supported:
- spacecraftId (integer)
Required. The spacecraftId is encoded in the TC Transfer Frame primary header.
- maxFrameLength (integer)
Required. The maximum length of the frames sent over this link. The Virtual Channel can also specify an option for this but the VC specific maximum frame length has to be smaller or equal than this. Note that since Yamcs does not support segmentation (i.e. splitting a TC packet over multiple frames), this value limits effectively the size of the TC packet that can be sent.
- priorityScheme (string)
One of
. This configures the priority of the different Virtual Channels. The different schemes are described below.- cltuEncoding (string)
One of
. If this parameter is present, the TC transfer frames will be encoded into CLTUs and this parameter configures the code to be used. If this parameter is not present, the frames will not be encapsulated into CLTUs and the following related parameters are ignored. If the value isCUSTOM
, the CLTU generator class must be specified as indicated below.- cltuStartSequence (string)
This parameter can optionally set the CLTU start sequence in hexadecimal if different than the CCSDS specs.
- cltuTailSequence (string)
This parameter can optionally set the CLTU tail sequence in hexadecimal if different than the CCSDS specs.
- randomizeCltu (boolean)
Used if cltuEncoding is BCH or CUSTOM to enable/disable the randomization. For LDPC encoding, randomization is always on. Note that as per issue 4 of CCSDS 231.0 (TC Synchronization and Channel Coding), the randomization is done before the encoding when BCH is enabled whereas if LDPC encoding is enabled, the randomization is done after the encoding. This has been changed in Yamcs version 5.5.4 - in versions 5.5.3 and earlier the randomization was always applied before the encoding (as per issue 3 of the CCSDS standard). If CUSTOM CLTU encoding is used, the custom encoder is responsible for the randomization - it can use this option or its own separate option for configuration.
- skipRandomizationForVcs (list of integers) added in Yamcs 5.5.6
If randomizeCltu is true, this option can define a list of virtual channels for which randomization is not performed. This is not as per CCSDS standard which specifies that the randomization is enabled/disabled at the physical channel level.
- cltuGeneratorClassName (string)
Required if cltuEncoding is CUSTOM. Specifies the name of the class which constructs the CLTU from the frame, if a custom format is required.
- cltuGeneratorArgs
Optional if cltuEncoding is CUSTOM, ignored otherwise. Arguments to pass to the constructor for the CLTU generator class.
- virtualChannels (map)
Required. Used to specify the Virtual Channel specific configuration.
- errorDetection (string)
One of
. Specifies the error detection scheme used. If present, the last 2 bytes of the frame will contain an error control field. Default:CRC16
- frameMaxRate (double)
maximum number of command frames to send per second. This option is specific to the UDP TC link.
For each Virtual Channel in the virtualChannels
map, the following parameters can be used:
- vcId (integer)
Required. The Virtual Channel identifier to be used in the frames. You can define multiple entries in the map with the same vcId, if the data is coming from different streams.
- service (string)
Currently the only supported option is
which is also the default.- commandPostprocessorClassName (string) and commandPostprocessorArgs (string)
Required if service=PACKET. Specifies the command post-processor and its configuration. See Command Post-Processor for details.
- stream (string)
Required. The stream on which the commands are received.
- multiplePacketsPerFrame (boolean)
If set to true (default), Yamcs sends multiple command packets in one frame if possible (i.e. if the accumulated size fits within the maximum frame size and the commands are available when a frame has to be sent).
- useCop1 (boolean)
If set to true, the COP-1 protocol is used for acknowledgment of TC frames.
- clcwStream (string)
If COP-1 is enabled, this parameter configures the stream where the Command Link Control Words (CLCW) is read from.
- initialClcwWait (integer)
If COP-1 is enabled, this specifies how many seconds to wait for the first CLCW.
- cop1T1 (integer)
If COP-1 is enabled, this specifies the value in seconds for the timeout associated to command acknowledgments. If the command frame is not acknowledged within that time, it will be retransmitted. The default value is 3 seconds.
- cop1TxLimit (integer)
If COP-1 is enabled, this specifies the number of retransmissions for each un-acknowledged frame before suspending operations.
- slidingWindowWidth (integer)
If COP-1 is enabled, this specifies the default value for the FOP_SLIDING_WINDOW_WIDTH (K). Default:
- bdAbsolutePriority (false)
If COP-1 is enabled, this specifies that the BD frames have absolute priority over normal AD frames. This means that if there are a number of AD frames ready to be uplinked and a TC with
flag is received (see below for an explanation of this flag), it will pass in front of the queue so ti will be the first frame uplinked (once the multiplexer decides to uplink frames from this Virtual Channel). This flag only applies when the COP-1 state is active, if the COP-1 synchronization has not taken place, the BD frames are uplinked anyway (because all AD frames are waiting).- tcQueueSize (integer)
This is used if COP-1 is not enabled, to determine the size of the command queue. Note that this is number of commands (not frames!). If the queue is full, the new commands will be rejected. Commands are taken from the queue by the multiplexer, according to the priority scheme defined below. Default:
.- errorDetection (string)
One of
. Specifies the error detection scheme used for the virtual channel, overriding the setting at link level. This is not according to the CCSDS standard which specifies the frame error detection shall be configured at physical channel level. If not specified (default), the setting at the link level will be used.- mapId (integer)
If specified and positive, use the MAP service. Supported for TC frames only (not for USLP). Each frame will contain an extra byte after the primary header. The first two bits of the byte are set to 1 (i.e. unsegmented) and the last 6 bits are the map id. The default id is the one specified in this configuration. It can be overridden in the MDB or via command attributes. The map id has to be between
. Default:-1
(MAP service not used)
Priority Schemes¶
The multiplexing of command frames from the different Virtual Channels is done according to the defined priority scheme. The multiplexer is triggered by the availability of the uplink - when a command frame is to be uplinked it has to decide from which Virtual Channel it will release it.
means that the first frame received across all virtual channels will be the first one sent.
means that the frames will be sent according to the priority set on each Virtual Channel (set by the priority
parameter). This means that as long as a high priority VC has commands to be sent, the lower priority VC will not release any command.
means that a polling vector will be built and each Virtual Channel will have the number of entries in the vector according to its priority. The multiplexing algorithm will cycle through the vector releasing the first command available.
For example if there are two VCs VC1 with priority 2 and VC2 with priority 4, the polling vector will look like: [VC1, VC1, VC2, VC2, VC2, VC2]. This means that if both VCs have a high number of frames to be sent, the multiplexer will send 2 frames from VC1 followed by 4 from VC2 and then again. If however VC2 has only one frame to be sent, it will lose its other three slots for that cycle and the multiplexer will go back to sending two frames from VC1.
COP-1 Support¶
COP-1 is the protocol specified in CCSDS 232.1-B-2 for ensuring complete and correct transmission of TC frames. The protocol is using a sliding window principle based on the frame counter assigned by Yamcs to each uplinked frame.
The mechanism through which the on-board system reports the reception of commands is called Command Link Control Word (CLCW). This is a 4 byte word which is sent regularly by the on-board system to ground and contains the value of the latest received command counter and a few status bits. In Yamcs, we expect the CLCW to be made available on a stream (configured with the clcwStream
parameter). The TM frame decoding can place the content of the OCF onto this stream. If the CLCW is sent as part of a regular TM packet, a StreamSQL statement like the following can be used:
create stream clcw (clcw int)
insert into clcw select extract_int(packet, 12) as clcw from tm_realtime where extract_short(packet, 0) = 2080
The first statement creates the stream, and the second inserts 4 bytes extracted from offset 12 from all telemetry packets having the first 2 bytes equal with 2080.
If the initialClcwWait
parameter is positive, at the link startup, Yamcs waits for that number of seconds for a CLCW to be received; once it is received, Yamcs will set the value of the ground counter (called vS
in the spec) to the on-board counter value (called nR
in the spec) received in the CLCW. That will ensure that the next command frame sent by Yamcs will contain the counter value expected by the on-board system.
If the initialClcwWait
parameter is not positive (the value will be ignored) or if no CLCW has been received within the specified time, the synchronization has to be initiated manually via the user interface. This can be done either waiting again for a new CLCW, setting manually a value for vS
(this requires the operator to know somehow what value the on-board system is expecting) or sending a command to the on-board system to force the on-board counter to the same value like the ground.
If the ground and on-board systems are not synchronized and a command is received, there are two possible outcomes:
if the initialization process has been started (manually or at the link startup with the
parameter), the command will be put in a wait queue to be sent once the Synchronization took place.if the initialization process has not been started or has failed, the command will be rejected straight away with the NACK on the Sent acknowledgment.
AD, BD and BC frames
The CCSDS Standard distinguishes between three types of TC frames (the type is encoded in some bits in the frame primary header):
AD frames contain normal telecommands and they are subjected to COP-1 transmission verification.
BD frames contain normal telecommands but they are not subjected to COP-1 transmission verification.
BC frames contain control commands generated by the ground COP-1 state machine and they are used to control the on-board state machine.
To send BD frames with Yamcs, you can use an attribute on the command called cop1Bypass
. If the link finds this attribute set to true, it will send the command in a BD frame, bypassing the COP-1 verification. The BC frames are sent only by the COP-1 state machine and it is not possible to send them from the user.
The user interface allows also to deactivate the COP-1 and the user can opt for sending all the commands as AD frames or BD frames regardless of the cop1Bypass attribute.