/  Yamcs HTTP API  /  Queues  /  List Queued Commands

List Queued CommandsΒΆ

List queued commands

URI Template

GET /api/processors/{instance}/{processor}/queues/{queue}/commands

Yamcs instance name.


Processor name.


Queue name.

Response Type

interface ListQueuedCommandsResponse {
  commands: CommandQueueEntry[];

Related Types

//One entry (command) in the command queue
interface CommandQueueEntry {
  instance: string;
  processorName: string;
  queueName: string;
  id: string;
  origin: string;
  sequenceNumber: number;
  commandName: string;
  assignments: CommandAssignment[];
  binary: string;  // Base64
  username: string;
  comment: string;
  generationTime: string;  // RFC 3339 timestamp

  // If true, the command has been accepted and is due for release
  // as soon as transmission constraints are satisfied.
  pendingTransmissionConstraints: boolean;

interface CommandAssignment {
  name: string;
  value: Value;
  userInput: boolean;

// Union type for storing a value
interface Value {
  type: Type;
  floatValue: number;
  doubleValue: number;
  sint32Value: number;
  uint32Value: number;
  binaryValue: string;  // Base64
  stringValue: string;
  timestampValue: string;  // String decimal
  uint64Value: string;  // String decimal
  sint64Value: string;  // String decimal
  booleanValue: boolean;
  aggregateValue: AggregateValue;
  arrayValue: Value[];

// An aggregate value is an ordered list of (member name, member value).
// Two arrays are used in order to be able to send just the values (since
// the names will not change)
interface AggregateValue {
  name: string[];
  value: Value[];

enum Type {
  UINT32 = "UINT32",
  SINT32 = "SINT32",
  UINT64 = "UINT64",
  SINT64 = "SINT64",

  // Enumerated values have both an integer (sint64Value) and a string representation
  NONE = "NONE",