/  Yamcs HTTP API  /  Packets  /  List Packets

List PacketsΒΆ

List packets

URI Template

GET /api/archive/{instance}/packets

Yamcs instance name.

Query Parameters


The zero-based row number at which to start outputting results. Default: 0

This option is deprecated and will be removed in a later version. Use the returned continuationToken instead.


The maximum number of returned records per page. Choose this value too high and you risk hitting the maximum response size limit enforced by the server. Default: 100


The order of the returned results. Can be either asc or desc. Default: desc


The archived name of the packets. Names must match exactly.


Filter by the link where the packet was received from.


Continuation token returned by a previous page response.


Filter the lower bound of the packet's generation time. Specify a date string in ISO 8601 format. This bound is inclusive.


Filter the upper bound of the packet's generation time. Specify a date string in ISO 8601 format. This bound is exclusive.

Response Type

interface ListPacketsResponse {
  packet: TmPacketData[];

  // Token indicating the response is only partial. More results can then
  // be obtained by performing the same request (including all original
  // query parameters) and setting the ``next`` parameter to this token.
  continuationToken: string;

Related Types

interface TmPacketData {

  // Raw packet binary
  packet: string;  // Base64

  // Storage discriminator in case of distinct packets
  // with the same name and generation time
  sequenceNumber: number;

  // Packet name
  id: NamedObjectId;

  // When the packet was generated
  generationTime: string;  // RFC 3339 timestamp

  // When the signal has been received on ground
  earthReceptionTime: string;  // RFC 3339 timestamp

  // When the packet was received by Yamcs
  receptionTime: string;  // RFC 3339 timestamp

  // Name of the Yamcs link where this packet was received from
  link: string;

  // Packet size in bytes
  size: number;

// Used by external clients to identify an item in the Mission Database
// If namespace is set, then the name is that of an alias, rather than
// the qualified name.
interface NamedObjectId {
  name: string;
  namespace: string;