/  Yamcs HTTP API  /  MDB  /  List Space Systems

List Space SystemsΒΆ

List space systems

URI Template

GET /api/mdb/{instance}/space-systems

Yamcs instance name.

Query Parameters


The search keywords. This supports searching on qualified name or alias.


Continuation token returned by a previous page response.


The zero-based row number at which to start outputting results. Default: 0


The maximum number of returned systems per page. Choose this value too high and you risk hitting the maximum response size limit enforced by the server. Default: 100

Response Type

interface ListSpaceSystemsResponse {

  // Matching space systems
  spaceSystems: SpaceSystemInfo[];

  // Token indicating the response is only partial. More results can then
  // be obtained by performing the same request (including all original
  // query parameters) and setting the ``next`` parameter to this token.
  continuationToken: string;

  // The total number of results (across all pages)
  totalSize: number;

Related Types

interface SpaceSystemInfo {

  // Space system name
  name: string;
  qualifiedName: string;

  // Short description (one line)
  shortDescription: string;

  // Long description (Markdown)
  longDescription: string;
  alias: NamedObjectId[];
  version: string;
  history: HistoryInfo[];
  sub: SpaceSystemInfo[];
  ancillaryData: {[key: string]: AncillaryDataInfo};

// Used by external clients to identify an item in the Mission Database
// If namespace is set, then the name is that of an alias, rather than
// the qualified name.
interface NamedObjectId {
  name: string;
  namespace: string;

interface HistoryInfo {
  version: string;
  date: string;
  message: string;
  author: string;