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- Get Space System
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- List Parameters
- Get Parameter
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- Batch Get Parameters
- List Parameter Types
- Get Parameter Type
- Create Parameter Type
- List Containers
- Get Container
- List Commands
- Get Command
- List Algorithms
- Get Algorithm
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Yamcs Release Notes
Yamcs Server Manual
Source Code Documentation
List CommandsΒΆ
List commands
URI Template
GET /api/mdb/{instance}/commands
Yamcs instance name.
Query Parameters
The search keywords. This supports searching on qualified name or alias.
List only direct child sub-systems or commands of the specified system. For example when querying the system "/a" against an MDB with commands "/a/b/c" and "/a/c", the result returns the sub system "/a/b" and the command "/a/c".
are used together, matching commands at any depth are returned, starting from the specified space system.details
Continuation token returned by a previous page response.
The zero-based row number at which to start outputting results. Default:
The maximum number of returned commands per page. Choose this value too high and you risk hitting the maximum response size limit enforced by the server. Default:
Exclude abstract commands
Response Type
interface ListCommandsResponse {
// Matching subsystems when the ``system`` option was specified
systems: SpaceSystemInfo[];
// Deprecated. Use ``systems`` instead
spaceSystems: string[];
// Matching commands
commands: CommandInfo[];
// Token indicating the response is only partial. More results can then
// be obtained by performing the same request (including all original
// query parameters) and setting the ``next`` parameter to this token.
continuationToken: string;
// The total number of results (across all pages)
totalSize: number;
Related Types
interface SpaceSystemInfo {
// Space system name
name: string;
qualifiedName: string;
// Short description (one line)
shortDescription: string;
// Long description (Markdown)
longDescription: string;
alias: NamedObjectId[];
version: string;
history: HistoryInfo[];
sub: SpaceSystemInfo[];
ancillaryData: {[key: string]: AncillaryDataInfo};
// Used by external clients to identify an item in the Mission Database
// If namespace is set, then the name is that of an alias, rather than
// the qualified name.
interface NamedObjectId {
name: string;
namespace: string;
interface HistoryInfo {
version: string;
date: string;
message: string;
author: string;
interface CommandInfo {
name: string;
qualifiedName: string;
shortDescription: string;
longDescription: string;
alias: NamedObjectId[];
baseCommand: CommandInfo;
abstract: boolean;
argument: ArgumentInfo[];
argumentAssignment: ArgumentAssignmentInfo[];
// Command significance.
// This is the significance defined specifically for this command.
// If unset, there may still be a significance inherited from
// a base command.
significance: SignificanceInfo;
constraint: TransmissionConstraintInfo[];
commandContainer: CommandContainerInfo;
verifier: VerifierInfo[];
ancillaryData: {[key: string]: AncillaryDataInfo};
// Effective command significance.
// This is the significance obtained by looking up the first defined
// significance either in this command, or the nearest base command.
effectiveSignificance: SignificanceInfo;
interface ArgumentInfo {
name: string;
description: string;
initialValue: string;
type: ArgumentTypeInfo;
interface ArgumentTypeInfo {
engType: string;
dataEncoding: DataEncodingInfo;
unitSet: UnitInfo[];
// Enumeration states (only used by enumerated arguments)
enumValue: EnumValue[];
// Minimum value (only used by integer and float arguments)
rangeMin: number;
// Maximum value (only used by integer and float arguments)
rangeMax: number;
// Member information (only used by aggregate arguments)
member: ArgumentMemberInfo[];
// String representation of a boolean zero (only used by boolean arguments)
zeroStringValue: string;
// String representation of a boolean one (only used by boolean arguments)
oneStringValue: string;
// Minimum character count (only used by string arguments)
minChars: number;
// Maximum character count (only used by string arguments)
maxChars: number;
// True if the engineering type supports signed representation.
// (only used by integer arguments)
signed: boolean;
// Minimum byte count (only used by binary arguments)
minBytes: number;
// Maximum character count (only used by binary arguments)
maxBytes: number;
// Length of each dimension (only used by array arguments)
dimensions: ArgumentDimensionInfo[];
// Type of array entries (only used by array arguments)
elementType: ArgumentTypeInfo;
// Name of the parameter type
name: string;
interface DataEncodingInfo {
type: Type;
littleEndian: boolean;
sizeInBits: number;
encoding: string;
defaultCalibrator: CalibratorInfo;
// Deprecated, use ``contextCalibrators`` instead
contextCalibrator: ContextCalibratorInfo[];
contextCalibrators: ContextCalibratorInfo[];
interface CalibratorInfo {
polynomialCalibrator: PolynomialCalibratorInfo;
splineCalibrator: SplineCalibratorInfo;
javaExpressionCalibrator: JavaExpressionCalibratorInfo;
type: Type;
interface PolynomialCalibratorInfo {
// Deprecated, use ``coefficients`` instead
coefficient: number[];
coefficients: number[];
interface SplineCalibratorInfo {
// Deprecated, use ``points`` instead
point: SplinePointInfo[];
points: SplinePointInfo[];
interface SplinePointInfo {
raw: number;
calibrated: number;
interface JavaExpressionCalibratorInfo {
formula: string;
interface ContextCalibratorInfo {
comparison: ComparisonInfo[];
calibrator: CalibratorInfo;
// This can be used in UpdateParameterRequest to pass a context
// that is parsed on the server, according to the rules in the
// excel spreadsheet. Either this or a comparison has to be
// used (not both at the same time)
context: string;
interface ComparisonInfo {
parameter: ParameterInfo;
operator: OperatorType;
value: string;
argument: ArgumentInfo;
interface ParameterInfo {
name: string;
qualifiedName: string;
shortDescription: string;
longDescription: string;
alias: NamedObjectId[];
type: ParameterTypeInfo;
dataSource: DataSourceType;
usedBy: UsedByInfo;
ancillaryData: {[key: string]: AncillaryDataInfo};
// Operations that return aggregate members or array entries
// may use this field to indicate the path within the parameter.
path: string[];
interface ParameterTypeInfo {
name: string;
qualifiedName: string;
shortDescription: string;
longDescription: string;
alias: NamedObjectId[];
// Engineering type
engType: string;
dataEncoding: DataEncodingInfo;
unitSet: UnitInfo[];
// Default Alarm, effective when no contextual alarm takes precedence.
defaultAlarm: AlarmInfo;
enumValue: EnumValue[];
absoluteTimeInfo: AbsoluteTimeInfo;
// Contextual alarms
contextAlarm: ContextAlarmInfo[];
member: MemberInfo[];
arrayInfo: ArrayInfo;
ancillaryData: {[key: string]: AncillaryDataInfo};
// Provides hints on how to format the engineering
// value as a string.
numberFormat: NumberFormatTypeInfo;
// True if the engineering type supports signed representation.
// (only used by integer parameter types)
signed: boolean;
// Hint about the range of allowed engineering values
sizeInBits: number;
// String representation of a boolean zero (only used by boolean types)
zeroStringValue: string;
// String representation of a boolean one (only used by boolean types)
oneStringValue: string;
// Which parameters this type is used by. This field is only
// populated when requesting directly a single parameter type.
usedBy: ParameterInfo[];
interface UnitInfo {
unit: string;
interface AlarmInfo {
minViolations: number;
// Deprecated, use ``staticAlarmRanges`` instead
staticAlarmRange: AlarmRange[];
staticAlarmRanges: AlarmRange[];
// Deprecated, use ``enumerationAlarms`` instead
enumerationAlarm: EnumerationAlarm[];
enumerationAlarms: EnumerationAlarm[];
// only used for enumeration alarms - defines the alarm state if none of the condition above applies
// as per XTCE description:
// defaults to "normal", which is almost always the case.
// Setting it to another alarm state permits a form of "inverted logic" where the alarm list can specify the normal states instead of the alarm states.
defaultLevel: AlarmLevelType;
interface AlarmRange {
level: AlarmLevelType;
minInclusive: number;
maxInclusive: number;
minExclusive: number;
maxExclusive: number;
interface EnumerationAlarm {
level: AlarmLevelType;
label: string;
interface EnumValue {
value: string; // String decimal
label: string;
description: string;
interface AbsoluteTimeInfo {
initialValue: string;
scale: number;
offset: number;
offsetFrom: ParameterInfo;
epoch: string;
interface ContextAlarmInfo {
comparison: ComparisonInfo[];
alarm: AlarmInfo;
// This can be used in UpdateParameterRequest to pass a context
// that is parsed on the server, according to the rules in the
// excel spreadsheet. Either this or a comparison has to be
// used (not both at the same time)
context: string;
interface MemberInfo {
name: string;
shortDescription: string;
longDescription: string;
alias: NamedObjectId[];
type: ParameterTypeInfo;
interface ArrayInfo {
type: ParameterTypeInfo;
dimensions: ParameterDimensionInfo[];
interface ParameterDimensionInfo {
fixedValue: string; // String decimal
parameter: ParameterInfo;
slope: string; // String decimal
intercept: string; // String decimal
interface NumberFormatTypeInfo {
numberBase: string;
minimumFractionDigits: number;
maximumFractionDigits: number;
minimumIntegerDigits: number;
maximumIntegerDigits: number;
negativeSuffix: string;
positiveSuffix: string;
negativePrefix: string;
positivePrefix: string;
showThousandsGrouping: boolean;
notation: string;
interface UsedByInfo {
algorithm: AlgorithmInfo[];
container: ContainerInfo[];
interface AlgorithmInfo {
// Algorithm name
name: string;
qualifiedName: string;
shortDescription: string;
longDescription: string;
alias: NamedObjectId[];
scope: Scope;
// Type of algorithm
type: Type;
// Language if this is a custom algorithm
language: string;
// Code if this is a custom algorithm
text: string;
inputParameter: InputParameterInfo[];
outputParameter: OutputParameterInfo[];
onParameterUpdate: ParameterInfo[];
onPeriodicRate: string[]; // String decimal
// Operands and operators in Reverse Polish Notation if type ``MATH``.
mathElements: MathElement[];
interface InputParameterInfo {
parameter: ParameterInfo;
inputName: string;
parameterInstance: number;
mandatory: boolean;
argument: ArgumentInfo;
interface OutputParameterInfo {
parameter: ParameterInfo;
outputName: string;
interface MathElement {
// Type of element, either an operand kind or an operator.
type: Type;
// Operator symbol if type ``OPERATOR``.
operator: string;
// Constant if type ``VALUE_OPERAND``.
value: number;
// Parameter whose value is used if type ``PARAMETER``.
parameter: ParameterInfo;
// Parameter instance specifier
parameterInstance: number;
interface ContainerInfo {
name: string;
qualifiedName: string;
shortDescription: string;
longDescription: string;
alias: NamedObjectId[];
maxInterval: string; // String decimal
sizeInBits: number;
baseContainer: ContainerInfo;
restrictionCriteria: ComparisonInfo[];
restrictionCriteriaExpression: string;
entry: SequenceEntryInfo[];
usedBy: UsedByInfo;
ancillaryData: {[key: string]: AncillaryDataInfo};
archivePartition: boolean;
interface SequenceEntryInfo {
locationInBits: number;
referenceLocation: ReferenceLocationType;
// For use in sequence containers
container: ContainerInfo;
parameter: ParameterInfo;
// For use in command containers
argument: ArgumentInfo;
fixedValue: FixedValueInfo;
repeat: RepeatInfo;
indirectParameterRef: IndirectParameterRefInfo;
interface FixedValueInfo {
name: string;
hexValue: string;
sizeInBits: number;
interface RepeatInfo {
fixedCount: string; // String decimal
dynamicCount: ParameterInfo;
bitsBetween: number;
interface IndirectParameterRefInfo {
parameter: ParameterInfo;
aliasNamespace: string;
interface ArgumentMemberInfo {
name: string;
shortDescription: string;
longDescription: string;
alias: NamedObjectId[];
type: ArgumentTypeInfo;
initialValue: string;
interface ArgumentDimensionInfo {
// Use a fixed integer value. If set, no other options are applicable.
// This value describes the length.
fixedValue: string; // String decimal
// Use the value of the referenced parameter.
// The value describes the zero-based ending index (length - 1)
// For a value ``v``, the dimension's length is determined
// as: ``(v * slope) + intercept``.
parameter: ParameterInfo;
// Use the value of the referenced argument.
// The value describes the zero-based ending index (length - 1)
// For a value ``v``, the dimension's length is determined
// as: ``(v * slope) + intercept``.
argument: string;
// Scale the value obtained from a parameter or argument reference.
slope: string; // String decimal
// Shift the value obtained from a parameter or argument reference.
intercept: string; // String decimal
interface ArgumentAssignmentInfo {
name: string;
value: string;
interface SignificanceInfo {
consequenceLevel: SignificanceLevelType;
reasonForWarning: string;
interface TransmissionConstraintInfo {
expression: string;
timeout: string; // String decimal
interface CommandContainerInfo {
name: string;
qualifiedName: string;
shortDescription: string;
longDescription: string;
alias: NamedObjectId[];
sizeInBits: number;
baseContainer: CommandContainerInfo;
entry: SequenceEntryInfo[];
interface VerifierInfo {
stage: string;
// Container update that is checked
container: ContainerInfo;
algorithm: AlgorithmInfo;
// What action to take when a check succeeds
onSuccess: TerminationActionType;
// What action to take when a check fails
onFail: TerminationActionType;
// What action to take when a check times out
onTimeout: TerminationActionType;
// Time window during which a check is executed
checkWindow: CheckWindowInfo;
// Expression used to check this verifier
expression: string;
interface CheckWindowInfo {
// Delay in milliseconds before starting to check
timeToStartChecking: string; // String decimal
// Duration in milliseconds of the check window
timeToStopChecking: string; // String decimal
// Reference time for starting the check window
relativeTo: string;
enum Type {
enum Type {
enum AlarmLevelType {
enum AlarmLevelType {
enum DataSourceType {
enum Scope {
enum Type {
enum Type {
enum ReferenceLocationType {
enum OperatorType {
enum SignificanceLevelType {
enum TerminationActionType {