/  Yamcs CLI  /  yamcs alarms

yamcs alarms


yamcs alarms list [--processor <PROCESSOR>]
yamcs alarms acknowledge [--processor <PROCESSOR>]
[-c <COMMENT>, --comment <COMMENT>] <ALARM> <SEQNO>
yamcs alarms shelve [--processor <PROCESSOR>]
[-c <COMMENT>, --comment <COMMENT>] <ALARM> <SEQNO>
yamcs alarms unshelve [--processor <PROCESSOR>]
[-c <COMMENT>, --comment <COMMENT>] <ALARM> <SEQNO>
yamcs alarms clear [--processor <PROCESSOR>]
[-c <COMMENT>, --comment <COMMENT>] <ALARM> <SEQNO>
yamcs alarms log [-n <LINES>, --lines <LINES>]
[-s <DATE>, --since <DATE>] [-u <DATE>, --until <DATE>]


Manage alarms.


list [--processor <PROCESSOR>]

Show active alarms

acknowledge [--processor <PROCESSOR>] [-c <COMMENT>, --comment <COMMENT>] <ALARM> <SEQNO>

Acknowledge an alarm

shelve [--processor <PROCESSOR>] [-c <COMMENT>, --comment <COMMENT>] <ALARM> <SEQNO>

Shelve an alarm

unshelve [--processor <PROCESSOR>] [-c <COMMENT>, --comment <COMMENT>] <ALARM> <SEQNO>

Unshelve an alarm

clear [--processor <PROCESSOR>] [-c <COMMENT>, --comment <COMMENT>] <ALARM> <SEQNO>

Clear an alarm

log [-n <LINES>, --lines <LINES>] [-s <DATE>, --since <DATE>] [-u <DATE>, --until <DATE>]

Read alarm log


--processor <PROCESSOR>

With list, acknowledge, shelve, unshelve or clear, specify the processor.

Default: realtime

-c <COMMENT>, --comment <COMMENT>

With list, acknowledge, shelve, unshelve or clear, attach a comment to the alarm change.


With acknowledge, shelve, unshelve or clear, specify the alarm name.


With acknowledge, shelve, unshelve or clear, specify the alarm instance.

-n <LINES>, --lines <LINES>

With log, specify the number of alarms to show, or all to show all.

Default: 10, but only when --since and --until are unset.

-s <DATE>, --since <DATE>

With log, include alarms not older than the specified date.

The date should be specified in ISO format or as detailed under Timestamps.

-u <DATE>, --until <DATE>

With log, include alarms not newer than the specified date.

The date should be specified in ISO format or as detailed under Timestamps.


When parsing timestamps, yamcs-cli accepts a specification in ISO format. The following special patterns are also recognised:

  • now: current time

  • now UTC: current UTC time

  • today: 00:00:00 of the current day

  • today UTC: 00:00:00 UTC of the current day

  • yesterday: 00:00:00 of the day before

  • yesterday UTC: 00:00:00 UTC of the day before

  • tomorrow: 00:00:00 of the next day

  • tomorrow UTC: 00:00:00 UTC of the next day