/  Python Yamcs Client  /  General Client  /  Model


class yamcs.model.AuthInfo(proto)

Bases: object

Authentication information

property require_authentication: bool
class yamcs.model.Event(proto)

Bases: object

A timetagged free-text message. Events work a lot like log messages in logging frameworks, but then targeted at operators.

property event_type: Optional[str]

The event type. This is mission-specific and can be any string.

property extra: Dict[str, str]

Dict with extra event properties.

New in version 1.8.4: Compatible with Yamcs 5.7.3 onwards

property generation_time: datetime

The time when the event was generated.

property message: Optional[str]

Event message.

property reception_time: datetime

The time when the event was received by Yamcs.

property sequence_number: int

Sequence number. Usually this is assigned by the source of the event.

property severity: Optional[str]

Severity level of the event. One of INFO, WATCH, WARNING, DISTRESS, CRITICAL or SEVERE.

property source: Optional[str]

The event source. Can be any string.

class yamcs.model.Instance(proto)

Bases: object

property failure_cause: Optional[str]

Failure message when state == 'FAILED'

property mission_time: Optional[datetime]

Mission time of this instance’s time service.

property name: str

Name of this instance.

property state: str


class yamcs.model.InstanceTemplate(proto)

Bases: object

A template for creating an instance.

property name: str

Name of this template.

Bases: object

Represents a link with an external system. Depending on the semantics of the link, this may imply inbound data, outbound data or a combination of both.

property actions: List[LinkAction]

Custom actions.

property class_name: str

Name of this link’s class.

property enabled: bool

If True, this link accepts or outputs data.

property extra: Dict[str, Any]

Custom info fields.

property in_count: int

packet count).


The number of inbound data events (example

property instance: str

Name of the instance where this link is defined.

property name: str

Name of this link (unique per instance).

property out_count: int

command count).


The number of outbound data events (example

property status: str

Short status.

class yamcs.model.LinkAction(proto)

Bases: object

property checked: bool

Whether the action is currently checked

property enabled: bool

Whether the action is currently enabled

property id: str

Action ID

property label: str

Label for the action

property style: str

Action style

class yamcs.model.LoadParameterValuesResult(proto)

Bases: object

Statistics returned when loading a stream of parameter values.

property max_generation_time: Optional[datetime]

Maximum geneneration time of all loaded parameter values

property min_generation_time: Optional[datetime]

Minimum geneneration time of all loaded parameter values

property value_count: str

Number of loaded parameter values.

class yamcs.model.ObjectPrivilege(proto)

Bases: object

property name: str
property objects: List[str]
class yamcs.model.Processor(proto)

Bases: object

property instance: str

Name of the instance where this processor is defined.

property mission_time: Optional[datetime]

Mission time of this processor.

property name: str

Name of this processor.

property owner: str

User that owns this processor.

property persistent: bool

If True, this processor does not close if no clients are connected.

property protected: bool

If True, this processor can not be deleted.

property state: str

State of this processor.

property type: str

Type of this processor.

class yamcs.model.RdbTablespace(proto)

Bases: object

property data_dir: str

Data directory

property name: str

Tablespace name

class yamcs.model.ServerInfo(proto)

Bases: object

General server properties.

property default_yamcs_instance: Optional[str]

Returns the default Yamcs instance.

property id: str

The Server ID.

property version: str

The version of Yamcs Server.

class yamcs.model.Service(proto)

Bases: object

A Yamcs service.

property class_name: str

Name of this service’s class.

failure_cause() Optional[str]

Java stacktrace when state is FAILED

New in version 1.9.0: Compatible with Yamcs 5.8.0 onwards

failure_message() Optional[str]

Short failure message when state is FAILED

New in version 1.9.0: Compatible with Yamcs 5.8.0 onwards

property instance: Optional[str]

Name of the instance where this service is defined.

property name: str

Name of this service.

property processor: Optional[str]

Name of the processor where this service is defined.

property state: str

State of this service.

class yamcs.model.UserInfo(proto)

Bases: object

Info on a Yamcs User.

property object_privileges: List[ObjectPrivilege]
property superuser: bool
property system_privileges: List[str]
property username: str