Class ParameterInstanceRef

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ParameterInstanceRef extends ParameterOrArgumentRef
A reference to an instance of a Parameter.

Used when the value of a parameter is required for a calculation or as an index value.

Starting with Yamcs 5.10.4 the relativeTo field has been introduced to better qualify what the instance refers to exactly.

If the parameter is an aggregate or an array, the reference can be made to a member of the aggregate/array or more generally to a path inside the aggregate (if a hierarchy of aggregates/arrays)

Thus the reference can be something like: g1/g2/a[1]/g4[a3]/p7

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ParameterInstanceRef

      public ParameterInstanceRef()
      Constructor to be used when the parameter is not yet known. The parameter will have to be set later with setParameter()
    • ParameterInstanceRef

      public ParameterInstanceRef(Parameter para)
    • ParameterInstanceRef

      public ParameterInstanceRef(Parameter para, PathElement[] path)
    • ParameterInstanceRef

      public ParameterInstanceRef(Parameter para, boolean useCalibratedValue)
    • ParameterInstanceRef

      public ParameterInstanceRef(boolean useCalibratedValue)
  • Method Details