Package org.yamcs.tctm.ccsds.error
package org.yamcs.tctm.ccsds.error
ClassDescriptionReed-Solomon (10, 6) encoding/decoding as specified in CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR AOS SPACE DATA LINK PROTOCOL CCSDS 732.0-B-3 September 2015 Frame Header Error ControlMakes CLTUs from command transfer frames as per CCSDS 231.0-B-3 (TC SYNCHRONIZATION AND CHANNEL CODING)Makes CLTUs from command transfer frames as per CCSDS 231.0-B-3 (TC SYNCHRONIZATION AND CHANNEL CODING)Cylcic Redundancy Check (CRC-CCIIT 0xFFFF) with the polynomial:CRC-32 error detection code as specified in CCSDS 211.0-B-5 PROXIMITY-1 SPACE LINK PROTOCOL— DATA LINK LAYER