Package org.yamcs.archive
package org.yamcs.archive
ClassDescriptionRecords alarms.Completeness index of CCSDS telemetry.Records command history the key is formed by generation time, origin and sequence number the value is formed by a arbitrary number of attributesPerforms replays for command historySets up the archiving of the events coming on events_realtime and events_dump streams into the yarch table events.Maps archived tuples to GPBRequest index (histogram) information about tm packets, pp groups and commandsUsed by
Performs histogram and completeness index retrievals.ParameterRecorder Records (processed) ParametersReplays parameters from tables recorded by theParameterRecorder
Yarch replay server A note about terminology: we call this replay because it provides capability to speed control/pause/resume.Interface for (completeness) TmIndex.Records XTCE TM sequence containers.Provides replay of the telemetry recorded by XtceTmRecorderPerforms a replay from Yarch So far supported are: TM packets, PP groups, Events, Parameters and Command History.