Package org.csstudio.opibuilder.runmode
package org.csstudio.opibuilder.runmode
that opens display in runtime.A manager help to manage the display open history and provide go back and forward functions.The listener on a operations manager.The common interface for OPI runtime, which could be an editor or view.LauncherHelper
is a utility class that provides common methods needed for launching the OPI from the resource navigator.The editor for running of OPI.ContextMenuProvider implementation for the OPI Runner.Perspective for display runtimeThe toolbar contributor for OPI runnerThe delegate to run an OPI in an editor or view.The toolbar contributor for OPI runnerAn OPIShell is a CS-Studio OPI presented in an SWT shell, which allows more free integration with the host operating system.RCP View summarising OPI shells.RCP 'View' for display runtimeA patched connection layer clipping strategy that will hide the connection when either one of the source or target is not showing.PatchScalableFreeformRootEditPart
to change the zoom combo items sort to have predefined zoom contributions on top.Patched Scrolling graphical viewer implementation.RCP 'View' for debugging a PerspectiveService for executing a displayHow/where a new display is presentedThe editor input for OPI Runner.Factory for saving and restoring aRunnerInput
.Custom selection tool for OPI Runtime.IEditorLauncher
that opens display in new OPIShell.