Package org.csstudio.opibuilder.actions
package org.csstudio.opibuilder.actions
ClassDescriptionThe abstract action which will be performed on a widget target.The action which changes the order of widget.Change widget orientation.Configure widget properties on runtime.The action that only copy properties from a widget.The action to copy selected widgets to clipboard.Cut widgets to clipboard.The actions to distribute widgets.Dump all PVs in the OPI.The action to make CSS full screen.An action to layout widgets in a container.Handler to handle the layout widgets command which has a key binding of Ctrl+L.The common code for
.Go back/forward to one of the OPIs opened before in the OPI Runner.Context menu wrapper forOpenDisplayAction
.The transfer for clip board related actions.TweakZoomInAction
The action that paste the properties from clipboard.Action class that copies all widgets that are currently stored on the Clipboard to the current Editor's display model.The action to print display.The transfer for clip board related actions.Refresh the OPI just like the OPI is reopened.The action that paste the properties from clipboard.The action to reroute a connection.Action to launch OPI runtime from editor.The action will select parent container of current selected widget.Handler to handle the select parent command which has a key binding of Ctrl+R.The action to show/hide the index in tree view.Show the predefined macros of the selected widget in console and message dialog.Show details information of widget's primary PV.An Action, which encapsulates aAbstractWidgetAction